I love Viola Davis.

Fear is a waste of time.

Trayvon Martin broke my heart.

I made mistakes in every trial.

I'm a New Yorker, and I'm a fighter.

I actually was a defense attorney first.

I don't discuss my career with my husband.

Where a man is forceful, a woman is shrill.

I loved my job... then the Simpson case happened.

That's who I was: a prosecutor. I really loved it.

Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House.

New Yorkers are tired of hearing about my personal life.

I really don't miss the trials and courtroom appearances.

I have straight hair. If I don't blow it out, it's not good.

I'm a big supporter of women doing anything they want to do!

I'd always wanted to write crime fiction. I loved Nancy Drew.

Too frequently, we see women being pitted against each other.

I don't feel like an icon; I don't think of myself as an icon.

I was the only female in the special trials unit for many years.

You're a beautiful girl, and you can do anything you want in life.

The First Amendment does not give you the right to commit a crime.

My life is a mosaic, and there's no room in between pieces at all.

I can write dramas that are about inside and outside the courtroom.

We don't need to be politically correct. We need to be morally right.

When I went to law school, I went to learn about justice and equal rights.

I decided to have a life: to become - pardon the expression - a soccer mom.

If you get robbed, no one's going to ask you, 'Well, what were you wearing?'

Sarah Paulson is mind-blowing. I mean, she always is. She's always fantastic.

When I was a little girl growing up in Elmira, I always wanted to be a lawyer.

I like cable stuff; I really do - 'American Horror Story,' 'American Crime Story.'

I've got an idea; how about you don't blame all gun owners for the actions of a few?

There needs to be an allegiance to the United States and what this country stands for.

I kind of like to write fast. It keeps the pacing up. And it keeps me off the streets.

There is no law that says a campaign cannot accept information from a foreign government.

I had the perm because I wanted wash-and-wear hair. I didn't want to be bothered with it.

I am devoted to my two children, who are far and away more important to me than anything.

I've learned to go with your instincts. To go with your strengths and believe in yourself.

Name me a person in public life who doesn't have critics. Especially women in public life.

I've been on national TV since 1994, and I can communicate in a compelling and decisive way.

I'm a Red American; I believe in tax cuts. But I'm a Red American with a lot of Blue stripes.

People tune into court shows because they want to learn something and see resolution quickly.

Most people don't go back to trial work after being in management, but I couldn't do anything else.

We are so beaten down by political correctness that most of us are numb to the surrender of America.

Americans want a nation-state: our own country with a history of freedom combined with responsibility.

I am a feminist. And I don't think of that as being anti-men, I think about it as equal rights for women.

I have been addicted to crime since I was born. I was making up crime stories when I was a 4- or 5-year-old kid.

There are crimes occurring against senior citizens in this country that are horrendous, that we don't hear about.

It's one thing to evaluate a woman's work. it's another thing to say, 'Your hair was this; your makeup was that.'

I think cameras should be in the courtroom, but they need to be managed properly. You need a judge to hold the line.

Before I was a prosecutor, I was a defense attorney. I took a cut in pay because I wanted to stand up for the victims.

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