There is no possible source of evil except good.

If you don't believe it you won't understand it.

Salvation is God's way of making us real people.

Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God.

All plenty which is not my God is poverty to me.

Give what You command and command what You will.

The diversity of language alienates man from man

The devil fears hearts on fire with love of God.

It is love alone that gives worth to all things.

It is my weakness that gives me all my strength.

I felt it better to speak to God than about Him.

I am very far from practicing what I understand.

There is no time of life past learning something.

Beware of trying to accomplish anything by force.

Lust desireth not procreation, but pleasure only.

The first degree of humility is prompt obedience.

The absence of risk is a sure sign of mediocrity.

The footprints of an Angel in your life are Love.

The glory of God is the human person fully alive.

Physician, heal thyself. Teacher, teach yourself.

Every adult was once a child free from prejudice.

Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.

Nobody can force you, not even the holy prophets.

Character is the most precious gift of education.

Solvitur ambulando . . . it is solved by walking.

The measure of love is to love without measuring.

Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.

Hope has two lovely daughters, anger and courage.

Teach correctly... Find delight in contemplation.

A wanton eye is a messenger of an unchaste heart.

Being a good example is the best form of service.

Multiplicity is a delusion. Unity is the Reality.

All is divine, all is God, and unity is divinity.

It is only love which makes us acceptable to God.

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.

Love should be as natural as living and breathing.

Even if I want I cannot make you say sorry to God.

If you want to pray better, you have to pray more.

Be ever more obedient to God and He will save you.

Pure love is the chief manifestation of education.

I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.

I want my friend to miss me as long as I miss him.

Peace in society depends upon peace in the family.

Nothing is so much to be shunned as sex relations.

Desire only God, and your heart will be satisfied.

We judge all things according to the divine truth.

Oh Lord, give me chastity, but do not give it yet.

Knowledge without devotion to God produces hatred.

One without health cannot achieve any small thing.

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