A series of vibrations. What does it matter, the source of the catalyst?

There's no such thing as bop music, but there's such a thing as progress.

The Moment is an album that contains the best music I have ever produced.

I practiced saxophone eight hours a day for the first two years I played.

Pop doesn't really look back. It can't. What makes pop work is simplicity.

I started in New Orleans music and played all through the history of jazz.

Jazz is the type of music that can absorb so many things and still be jazz.

I cannot play a lie. I have to believe in what I play or it won't come out.

I approach everything in my life the same way; if it feels right, I know it.

I love more percussions more than anything. I always wanted to be a drummer.

Bamboo is not a weed, it's a flowering plant. Bamboo is a magnificent plant.

I don't go to clubs. I don't know what club mixes are supposed to sound like.

So I played alto for quite a while until I saved up the money for the baritone

You can make a saxophone into an electric organ; you can do everything with it

When I began listening to saxophones, I was first attracted to Coleman Hawkins

The saxophone is a very interesting machine, but I'm more interested in music.

I still love the whole history of Jazz. The old things sound better than ever.

A lot of musicians have a tough time hearing what we're doing in a trio format.

Because if you've got the wit, you can make anything into a melody, ultimately.

So I played alto for quite a while until I saved up the money for the baritone.

When I began listening to saxophones, I was first attracted to Coleman Hawkins.

You can make a saxophone into an electric organ; you can do everything with it.

Charlie Parker lifted jazz music off the dance floor and into the stratosphere!

If everyone liked what I did, I probably wouldn't be playing anything of depth.

Whoever has an original thing to say, it is sort of a threat to the status quo.

So much of Jazz doesn't have an audience other than music students or musicians.

It was when I found out I could make mistakes that I knew I was on to something.

Sometimes I think I was making music through the wrong end of a magnifying glass.

I wasn't so interested in being paid. I wanted to be heard. That's why I'm broke.

You can work on the saxophone alone, but ultimately you must perform with others.

Starting in the middle of a musical sentence and moving in both directions at once.

The whole rise of new adult contemporary music and smooth jazz was a nice surprise.

I've done some dastardly things but what can I do except make amends and apologize?

My music is the spiritual expression of what I am: my faith, my knowledge, my being.

If I even lose my glasses or make a mistake. I become really disappointed in myself.

America is deeply rooted in Negro culture: its colloquialisms; its humor; its music.

My music is the spiritual expression of what I am - my faith, my knowledge, my being.

Musicians tell me, if what I'm doing is right, they should never have gone to school.

No one really knows how to deal with the unexpected. How do you rehearse the unknown?

I made the tenor sax - there's nobody plays like me and I don't play like anybody else

Actually, it is a fact that I've been doing more writing than playing in recent years.

The baritone can serve functions that the alto and tenor cannot, in orchestral voicing

Music represents nature. Nature represents life. Jazz represents nature. Jazz is life.

I'm the kind of person who jumps around when he talks because everything is connected.

I made the tenor sax - there's nobody plays like me and I don't play like anybody else.

The baritone can serve functions that the alto and tenor cannot, in orchestral voicing.

Everybody talks about finding your voice. Do your homework and your voice will find you.

Only the French, I guess, really use tenor and alto to any great extent in the orchestra

There are a few countries that, for whatever reason, really enjoy listening to my music.

When I play live, I feel how the audience is going and follow and lead at the same time.

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