You don't decide you're hip. It just happens that way.

Before the work comes to you, you have to invent work.

Play and write music the way you want the world to be.

"If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying."

Rather than say I play Jazz, I simply say I play music.

Jazz is so incestuous that it's starting to kill itself.

I'm responsive to my public, but I also follow my heart.

I listen to old jazz and classical music, and that's it.

I think the majority of musicians are interested in truth.

You don't rehearse jazz to death to get the camera angles.

My job is to write songs that have emotional meaning to me.

I've learned that you simply can't control those bad vibes.

Risk is at the heart of jazz. Every note we play is a risk.

It wasn't until Duotones that I felt my true voice come out.

The idea is more important than the style you're playing in.

Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom.

I'm very glad to have met you. I like your playing very much.

Working with Monk is like falling down a dark elevator shaft.

I don't think about music as being new or modern. I just play.

One positive thought produces millions of positive vibrations.

But if I didn't have to make money, I would still play my horn.

We recorded to document ourselves, not to sell a lot of records.

I appreciate men like Ben Webster and Coleman Hawkins very much.

Once I could play what I heard inside me, that's when I was born.

I never consciously tried to conceive of what my sound should be.

I played in rhumba bands, mickey mouse bands; all kinds of bands.

You must have the music to justify an instrument's extensive use.

I gave up my base in popular culture when I left the Tonight Show.

I think it is in collaboration that the nature of art is revealed.

I was spoiled by Monk's music because it was so good, so complete.

Then, of course, I played alto and tenor, wherever there were jobs.

Invest yourself in everything you do. There's fun in being serious.

The first time I heard Bird play, it hit me right between the eyes.

Finally, I was no longer a student and was making music for myself.

All of the technique doesn't matter... only if the feeling is right.

Records used to be documents, but now record companies want product.

Register is very important. Music sounds best in a certain register.

It's just music. It's playing clean and looking for the pretty notes.

You explore beautiful songs & create your own interpretation of them.

I'm not going to play funk licks on a jazz album. That makes no sense.

When I have them working together, it's like a beautiful kaleidoscope.

Tim Price is one of the real ones ! A good friend and a great player !

The music should be first, not the ego or the personality or the style.

You don't need sunglasses inside a building in the middle of the night.

The soprano turned out to sound to me like the right hand on the piano.

I'm fascinated with the electronic devices that we can mess around with.

If you've only got one horn playing, I still want the sense of ensemble.

Music is the journey. You never arrive in music; the work is never over.

Circumstances can be very important. Find the right people to work with.

You have to sound sad first of all, then maybe later you can sound good.

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