Our politics is about people not flags.

Maybe I was just born to argue with men.

Age is how we determine how valuable you are.

I don't agree with the Tories on most things.

Schools are not exam factories for the rat race.

We shall seek debate without division or rancour.

To sit back and do nothing is to cooperate with the oppressor.

The Scottish Labour Party and its renewal are more important than me.

Progressive politics is not something to be bolted on to another cause.

Scotland cannot be the only 'something for nothing' country in the world.

If you don't accept there is a problem, then it is hard to debate things.

I made a different decision to send my children to the local state school.

Racism is a learned affliction and anything that is learned can be unlearned

Telling the truth, and confronting the challenge, is what politics is about.

That's a really healthy thing - family will always protect you from yourself.

My Scottish Labour Party is a crusade - to fight poverty, inequality and injustice.

It is not possible to spend on one thing and then not have consequences on something else.

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.

I will not promise what I cannot deliver. And I will never hide the cost of what I propose.

The job of the Scottish Labour Party is to represent working people and represent Scotland.

I spent ridiculous amounts of time as an activist and volunteer and was a teacher for 20 years.

I got a very strong sense from my mother, in particular, that we are all equal in the sight of God.

We need to find a way of having a conversation across the parties on how you fund local government.

We do students a great disservice by implying that one set of students is more important than another.

The test is can you do something, rather than have a theoretical argument - can you make a difference?

The Scottish Labour Party, while I have breath in my body, will listen to the views of trade unionists.

I firmly believe that Scotland's place is in the U.K., and I do not believe in powers for power's sake.

I've often thought having a politician for a parent must be like having a constantly embarrassing uncle.

My biggest ambition is to bring together what happens in the real world with what politicians talk about.

We must listen and learn, show humility and seek again to talk for and to people's ambitions and concerns.

I want to change Scotland, but the only way we can change Scotland is by changing the Scottish Labour Party.

I used to go to a Gaelic class on a Saturday morning, but I never felt myself that I could speak it properly.

What I will say will not always please you, but what I say will always be honest and true and how I genuinely see it.

We will renew our party, to rebuild our land - and we will do it by being a better Labour, real Labour, Scottish Labour.

If I have learned one thing in life, it is never to take any man's own estimate of himself. He could very well be mistaken.

There is a circus around politics. But if you think it is a game, then you forget what the purpose of politics actually is.

We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power.

The big issues, the things that scar Scotland - the least of them is whether we should have a border at Gretna Green or not.

Social injustice is what puts Scotland at its greatest disadvantage, and restoring the 50p tax rate will start to fight that.

The government don't want to talk about the consequences of the choices they make. They pretend there aren't any consequences.

I've taught fifth-year Christmas leavers last thing on a Friday afternoon. Basically, if you can face that you can face anything.

While I'm leader, nothing will be off limits - there will not be one policy, one rule, one way of working which cannot be changed.

I think I'm the only 65-year-old actress in Los Angeles who hasn't had plastic surgery, so somebody's gotta play the old-lady parts!

The Labour Party in 2011 was in an exceptionally bad place. We'd been hammered in an election. We didn't see the scale of it coming.

If I believe we need free personal care, we need an honest discussion about what it costs with a well-managed, well-trained workforce.

Separation and devolution are two completely different concepts which cannot be mixed together. One is not a stop on the way to the other.

Scotland has chosen to remain in partnership with our neighbours in the U.K. But Scotland is distinct, and colleagues must recognise that.

It's true across the U.K. that those who had least to do with causing the economic crisis are carrying the heaviest burden. That's unacceptable.

The next phase is to 2016, and yes, I want to be First Minister because I believe I have the life experience, and I've got a commitment to change.

I don't have a Twitter account. I don't go to fan club gatherings. I'm not one of those actors who spends a lot of time engaging with the audience.

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