At 100, I have a mind that is superior - thanks to experience - than when I was 20.

Never talk for half a minute without pausing and giving others a chance to join in.

Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labor of being sick.

When I was a boy, I thought myself a man. Now that I am a man, I find myself a boy.

Either data supports the observations or they don't. Voting doesn't work in science.

Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.

The assumption that humans could be a reliable back up for the system was a fallacy!

I do believe that making a factory for innovation, a moon-shot factory, is possible.

C++ is my favorite garbage collected language because it generates so little garbage

Why must conversions always come so late? Why do people always apologize to corpses?

We are in an extremely precarious and urgent situation that compels immediate action

There is no such thing as group originality, group creativity or group perspicacity.

The future may require not so much having a new idea as stopping having an old idea.

No ideology should ever get a pass simply because it is cloaked in a religious robe.

I think all of you know there is no adequate defense against massive nuclear attack.

Science can improve lives in ways that are elegant in design and moving in practice.

I let it go. I have not looked at the 'Star Wars' films, and that's absolutely true.

Don't ever turn down pleasure because you were afraid of what other people might say.

I really respect and admire Tolkien. I think he was the most honest of the Romantics.

Science fiction is the field that explores how change can affect us, for well or ill.

Avoid the temptation to work so hard that there is no time left for serious thinking.

Consumer behaviour is a powerful realm from which to explore our biological heritage.

Start where you are, with what you have. Make something of it and never be satisfied.

Meat is a status dish in which the sizzle counts for more than the nutritional worth.

People go out of their way to show the love and respect for me. It is very gratifying.

Psychedelic substances, if they are used in proper ways, are very helpful for mankind.

One of the missions of Google[x] is to use technology to get technology out of the way

in love: a momentary instance of bein almost interested in someone else as in oneself!

The first law of computer science: Every problem is solved by yet another indirection.

Most people experience some insecurity regarding one or more of their physical traits.

In the computer field, the moment of truth is a running program; all else is prophecy.

Solving a problem simply means representing it so as to make the solution transparent.

I don't care how big and fast computers are, they're not as big and fast as the world.

We are somehow natured, not just to reproduce, but for sociality and even for culture.

Listening to music engages the previously acquired personal knowledge of the listener.

How to teach rigor while preserving imagination is an unsolved challenge to education.

The speed of time is 1 hour per hour, no matter what else is going on in the universe.

He who demands mercy and shows none ruins the bridge over which he himself is to pass.

America is a country of inventors, and the greatest of inventors are the newspaper men.

Organic Chemistry has become a vast rubbish heap of puzzling and bewildering compounds.

I'd rather spend my leisure time doing what some people call my work and I call my fun.

In fact, I had previously helped train one of the FBI agents who searched my apartment.

My scientific career has developed on three continents: Asia, Europe and North America.

If software's the only thing in your bag of tools, I'm not going to give you great odds.

There is a natural opposition among men to anything they have not thought of themselves.

Much of contemporary science is really the length and shadow of the technology we apply.

God is going to reveal to us things He never revealed before if we put our hands in His.

Working in Hollywood for the orchestra world is a very time consuming and laborious job.

Any universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state.

As a researcher, I look forward to being able to do space science in a space environment.

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