The sex can stay dirty, but the values have to be clean.

Everyone's sort of the same height when you're looking from bird's eye view.

I like the concept of shooting beautiful, aesthetic, cinematographic pieces, and still allowing them to be explicit

The action movie, the thriller and the drama all have safety nets under them. But not the horror film. The horror film can sink to an abyss far darker than the imagination can ever reach.

Narrative is so important for building the sexual tension. Can you imagine a horror movie that only shows the blood, with no context? I think women need to get to know the characters before they start stripping.

I always ask my actors with whom they'd like to work. Before shooting we discuss how their characters are supposed to have sex. Everybody knows that communication is important; it's no problem to say you need a break.

In your bed tonight, turn off all of the lights and make sure that there is no noise. There is something that you will hear. It is probably that branch slapping the window but you better believe that your mind is going to go to some sick individual tapping on the glass because he wants to get your attention to come to the window for when you do you will be grabbed through it and pulled outside. That happens to me all of the time.

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