Our borders are being overrun.

Crosscheck is a really valuable tool.

It's time we stop illegal immigration in Kansas.

We will build the wall faster and better if I'm elected.

President Trump needs a senator who will lead the charge for him.

And when a few noncitizens vote, those can swing a close election.

If you want to be part of the American country, then do it legally.

Every time an alien votes, it cancels out the vote of a U.S. citizen!

The SPLC calls so many people racist they have watered down the term.

Arizona really has been a trailblazer in discouraging illegal immigration.

I have been very aggressively campaigning on Kansas needs to cut its taxes.

The calls for socialism on the left get louder and louder, and they don't stop.

I think all nonpresidential elections are won or lost by motivating your own voters.

It's not rocket science. It's not super high technology to construct border barriers.

If Republicans vote in big numbers, we win a statewide election. It's just that simple.

It's always enjoyable talking with someone who has a very well-functioning, reasoning mind.

That's what the new definition of racist is: It's a conservative that's winning an argument!

Being enrolled in a college does not free you from the legal obligation to become domiciled.

My position is if you double vote, we will find you and it will be a heavy hit to the wallet.

My hope is that Kansas will be to stopping election fraud what Arizona is to stopping illegal immigration.

The world is a dangerous place. And it's a more dangerous place than it was seven years ago [before Obama].

Because, when it comes to restoring the rule of law, I can't change my mind and I won't change the subject.

If I am elected, God willing, to the United States Senate, I will be leading the charge for President Trump.

Quite often the federal government purchases things at prices higher than individuals in the private marketplace.

Without question, Alabama's House Bill 56 is the most comprehensive anti-illegal-immigration state law ever drafted.

We have the ability to shut down the flow of remittances to Mexico from illegal aliens working in the United States.

Drones don't stop people from coming across the border, they merely tell you that someone is coming across the border.

Voter fraud happens on both sides of the aisle. And if nothing else, I'm glad Democrats are acknowledging that it exists.

A commission presenting evidence doesn't do a Jedi mind trick and make state legislators in some state suddenly pass a bill.

I served as Attorney General John Ashcroft's chief adviser on immigration law at the U.S. Department of Justice during 2001-03.

I think that in terms of the American interests, I would feel more safe with a President Trump representing those interests to the world.

Kansas and this country have been rewarding illegal immigration for a long time. Here in this state, that's going to stop the moment I take office.

The numbers of terrorists that we have caught coming - we actually don't catch them coming across the border. We usually catch them in some other context.

It is correct that securing the border is a government function, but when the government fails, it has a specific and significant impact on individual landowners.

It just struck me as obvious that a state has the right to restrict its welfare benefits only to those people who are U.S. citizens or are visiting the state legally.

If we're worried about keeping families together, then the illegal alien parents who brought them here should also be removed to the home country along with the DACA recipient alien.

For a long time, there has been lingering doubt among many Americans about integrity and fairness of elections. And it's not a new issue at all. If you look at polling data, it goes back decades.

You want the president to be uninfluenced by any factors other than his advisers and the best interests of the United States. I think, on that category, Donald Trump easily beats Hillary Clinton.

One of the things about New York City is obviously it's a very liberal place but there are plenty of conservatives that don't feel particularly well represented by Chuck Schumer or Kirsten Gillibrand.

Attrition through enforcement is simply the self-evident principle that if you ratchet up the level of enforcement and make it more difficult to break the law, fewer people will continue to break the law.

First of all, it's important to note that the federal government doesn't have the authority to take anybody off of any voter rolls. The states are in control of each of their voter rolls in the 50 states.

For me, the most important issue in the Republican presidential contest is immigration and its effect on our national security. On that issue Mr. Trump stands head and shoulders above the other candidates.

We're looking at all forms of election irregularities, voter fraud, voter registration fraud, voter intimidation, suppression, and looking at the vulnerabilities of the various elections we have in each of the 50 states.

The Department of Homeland Security knows of the millions of aliens who are in the United States legally and that's data that's never been bounced against the state's voter rolls to see whether these people are registered.

No one doubts that Donald Trump is willing to walk away from a deal if it's a bad one. No one doubts that he's willing to punish our enemies if they transgress U.S. interests, whereas, with Hillary Clinton, she is very predictable.

Facts have come to light that indicate that a pivotal, close election was likely changed through voter fraud on Nov. 8, 2016: New Hampshire's U.S. Senate Seat, and perhaps also New Hampshire's four electoral college votes in the presidential election.

When illegal labor is used, that almost always depresses wages paid to all workers. The illegal workers can be exploited, and they will usually accept lower wages. As a result, all workers in the plant, including U.S. citizens, will see their wages go down.

Self-deportation benefits the illegal alien because he can leave without being arrested or detained, and self-deportation benefits the taxpayer because the government doesn't have to spend money arresting the alien, detaining the alien and holding removal hearings.

There are some in the establishment who dislike a candidate who thinks for himself and isn't easily controlled by the Washington establishment. I will be someone who will be taking a firm stand on principle and will not be knuckling under whenever the establishment snaps its fingers.

It used to be that conservatives who were in government, like myself, we would get what we felt was unfair coverage, we'd go home, we would grumble, we would complain about it, but we actually wouldn't say anything to the reporter or to the reporters while they're asking us additional questions.

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