Humor - I see it as a survival skill.

Fiction is a report from the interior.

In death, as in sleep, I am all things.

Love lives in sealed bottles of regret.

I'm a person with virtually no feelings.

I'm very interested in how people change.

I lived around the corner from Saul Bellow.

I moved to New York because I thrive there.

There is a choice to make, a chance to take.

I just want to be on my own branch twittering.

Reality is shaped by the forces that destroy it.

You will never be as smart as your subconscious.

empathy, the least comfortable of human emotions.

Everything makes me angry, unless it makes me sad.

I always need huge amounts of time to do anything.

I was resistant to the Internet. I was afraid of it.

Twitter is the best art for writers. I find it enticing.

You can't murder a man who's been dead for five centuries.

The things I like to find in a story are punch and poetry.

Every man has a day in his life when nobody can defeat him.

I would like to never ever think about any political issues.

The only seed that needs regular watering is our imagination.

All one needs to write a story is one feeling and four walls.

Stories, like whiskey, must be allowed to mature in the cask.

I don't think virtue has a downside. I think human nature does.

I like to think of home as a verb, something we keep recreating.

It's hard to write sex because it's hard to write desire, period.

I have always felt that everybody on earth goes about in disguise.

The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him.

Characters are often revealed by the ways they misapprehend others.

You know, up until later on today, I never really knew how to drink.

Where exactly do you put your hands on somebody who hurts everywhere?

Sometimes you don’t know what you're writing until you've finished it.

I think in circles; I speak in circles. I unravel my thoughts that way.

You spend so much time as a writer telling straight and linear stories.

It's a complicated issue, but I define myself as an American, primarily.

I'm not used to interviews. People don't generally interview waitresses.

Harder than waking from a nightmare was trying to wake herself into one.

In the presence of great music we have no alternative but to live nobly.

I'm constantly trying to strip away layers of perceived thought or cliche.

I never really had novel-writing instruction like people do in MFA programs.

For years, I felt I was a novelist, but now I know I can write short fiction.

I feel like people who become writers are people who have been saved by books.

There's no such thing as being a cultural Jew. You're religious or you're not.

All the stories I write come from someone I've met or some anecdote I've heard.

Every organization has an allotted number of positions to be filled by misfits.

For one who has not lived even a single lifetime, you are a wise man, Van Helsing.

Pessimists are usually kind. The gay, bubbling over, have no time for the pitiful.

The first story I wrote was called 'Days,' and I have very little affection for it.

So many people discuss, you know, Israel/Palestine as if it's people on a spectrum.

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