Happiness is a continuous creative activity.

Happiness is a continuous creative activity.

Movies portray men as tough guys.

Never argue, repeat your assertion.

Never argue; repeat your assertion.

Joy is more infectious than leprosy.

Right wins only when we dare and act.

Man is the creature of circumstances.

Crime is a product of a distorted mind.

Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

Crimes happen, but some are preventable.

In India, I'm always 'Aruna Roy's husband.'

What if when they called a war, no one went?

Teachers need to be paid like professionals.

Every challenge has its own unique problems.

Chastity is sexual intercourse with affection.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

If you are a lousy teacher, you should be fired.

Crime prevention has to become a first priority.

As for an eternity in heaven - that would be hell!

Ethics, decency and morality are the real soldiers

I'm a product of this visionary mother and father.

Possibility is the oxygen upon which hope thrives.

If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!

We've gotta guarantee all of our kids an education.

If you are through with dreams, then progress halts.

My policing was nothing but activism - it had to be.

Middle-class families know education begins at birth.

When we shrink from the world, our souls shrink, too.

Simply unleashing our imaginations can be empowering.

The media has a key role to play in ending corruption.

Never impose your language on people you wish to reach.

The system decides you can't run schools in the summer.

We, as a society, we have PhDs in victimizing a victim.

Peace among religions is a precondition for world peace.

It is important to have permanent safe spaces in Harlem.

The only way to support a revolution is to make your own.

It's too late. We can't win, they've gotten too powerful.

The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.

Monsters work seven days a week and don't take vacations.

The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it.

I was probably the only revolutionary referred to as cute.

Be aware that the fire that does not grow is extinguished.

Life is on an incline; you either go up, or you come down.

When you see a great teacher, you are seeing a work of art.

There are good hearts to serve men in palaces as in cottages.

A modern revolutionary group heads for the television station.

Once you get the right image the details aren't that important.

I believe in prayer. I believe in gratitude and serving people.

A silent majority and government by the people is incompatible.

It's just becoming more acceptable for girls to react violently.

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