No, I never did hats. I didn't - never felt they were so becoming to me.

I get my inspiration from young stylish girls I see all over my travels.

I may be a young girl, but behind every young girl is a powerful father.

I'd like to turn the whole world on just for a moment. Just for a moment.

It's not that I'm rebelling. It's that I'm just trying to find another way.

It's always harder to be the one who's left behind than the one who leaves.

Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. It brings tears to your eyes.

I have always had the courage for the new things that life sometimes offers.

Russia knows of the vulnerability of her frontiers in this part of the world.

There were so many things I couldn't do when my brother-in-law was president.

I like the sudden shock of non-sequitur color. Color, in fact, is my weakness.

I have an accident about every two years, and one day it won't be an accident!

When hosting a party, move any clutter from the space where you're entertaining.

I'm constantly falling in love with objects, and they follow me around the world.

Not every woman has time to go to a salon and have her hair blow-dried every day.

Everyone has a past, and the downside to my life is that the past gets dragged up.

Some people collect vintage cars, I collect Birkins. The leather ones are £20,000.

I don't like dining rooms. I think they have too much structure and are too formal.

My boyfriend thinks it's crazy that I wear a different bikini every day on holiday.

What is it with this American booty culture? It seems to me to be a form of obsession.

Neatness - which is grooming, after all - is definitely the most important requirement.

So have your wits about you, and do what you can and dig in, because it might not last.

I’m a much nicer person, much more laid-back and relaxed, not serious like they show me.

You don't find happiness by being able to buy everything you want, whenever you want it.

Before mobile phones, I used to call my parents from a phone box and reverse the charges.

When I was younger I wanted to be a gymnast, but they have to be quite short - I was tall.

When I'm upset, everyone knows about it, and it's a selfish trait because everyone suffers.

PS: It's all gossip about the prince. I'm not in the habit of taking my girlfriends' beaux.

As a woman, I believe you have to embrace your body, and feel beautiful both inside and out.

On my foot it says, 'The best is yet to come,' and that's there because I really believe it.

I'm still one of those persons who prefers to wear pants, especially for at-home entertaining.

New Yorkers are obsessed with youth and eternal youth and then their careers and making money.

My ideal evening is to have dinner with one person or a few persons, and then be in bed by 11.

I look a hundred and weigh 110 - you won't love me when you see the wreck England has made me.

You have to put up with the risk of being misunderstood if you are going to try to communicate.

As I have found out, recognition has its upside, its downside and – you may say – its backside.

As I have found out, recognition has its upside, its downside and - you may say - its backside.

There are so many misconceptions about me, and it gets frustrating no matter how thick skinned.

If all I cared about was me, I could make a million. And that's what they will never understand.

The look of being too deliberately dressed, with everything cautiously matching, always bores me.

I can understand other people's situations in their own terms, but I still can't understand mine.

I believe that without memories there is no life, and that our memories should be of happy times.

Sometimes milestones are not measured by the accomplishments of society, but by those of integrity.

Paris is life-enhancing for all those reasons we know and all those words that have become so banal.

Despite loving England and loving English gardens, I'm not a chintz person, never was. It's too cute.

Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars or narcissists

Happy birthday greetings and warmest wishes, too May today, tomorrow, everyday Be truly happy for you.

I don't think that coming from a privileged background makes you this monster who doesn't feel things.

Divorce is a 50-50 thing, and it can be a number of petty things that finally drive you out of your mind.

I love to mix colors. For me, I don't have a rule, like "you can't wear silver and gold." You can mix it.

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