I lived a very isolated life. When you start at 20, you have a lot of nonsense to work out of your system.

Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars... or narcissists.

I've always had the mentality of: work hard, get to bed early, focus - and let your work speak for itself.

I love the mid-length skirt. That's really appropriate, you can wear that in many different day occasions.

We all enjoy being comfy, but my comfy - you know, I love a nice, cozy cashmere sweater and spandex, sure.

The Korean War has also show quite clearly that in a major conflict manpower is as important as horsepower.

I'll have to put more earrings on. I bet that someone could analyze me and tell my condition by my earrings.

There is a peacefulness, an air of reflection, about a rocking-chair that attaches to no other moving object.

I always begin a room with the rug; it is literally the foundation of the space. I then go on to the furniture.

I'm not a beautiful woman. I'm nothing to look at, so the only thing I can do is dress better than anyone else.

I have seldom known a person who deserted the truth in trifles and then could be trusted in matters of importance.

I was raised to want to work for a living. The idea of just sitting around or going shopping every day appalls me.

One can't help but be a bit melancholy when you see how the world has changed, and I don't mean that nostalgically.

I’m in love with everyone I’ve ever met in one way or another. I’m just a crazy, unhinged disaster of a human being.

I came to New York to see what I could see - that's from a children's book, isn't it? - and to find the living part.

I like people like Andre Malraux, Edmund Wilson, Willa Cather, Robert Graves, Erik Erikson, and Francis Steegmuller.

Take every opportunity that comes your way. You should never, never see an opportunity in the eye and pass by. Never!

I don't know what happened, but I lost the desire to acquire more things. It's very peaceful to have lost that desire.

I think life is about falling in love with the right person, shopping, eating our favorite desserts and traveling a lot.

I have finally perfected my signature. It took hours of practicing I decided early on just to write Pippa, not Middleton.

There can be nothing more baffling in a human relationship than silence, the dark loom of doubts and questions unexpressed.

I think there's nothing that makes you happier than to be really involved in something. I can't imagine a totally idle life.

I have finally perfected my signature. It took hours of practicing... I decided early on just to write Pippa, not Middleton.

If I see an orchid that's fantastically expensive, I'll buy it. It's worth it, for no other reason than it gives me pleasure.

It is difficult for someone raised in my world to learn to express emotion. We are taught early to hide our feelings publicly.

My father started with nothing and is a self-made man. No matter what I do with my life, I can never match his accomplishments.

I never make a trip to the United States without visiting a supermarket. To me they are more fascinating than any fashion salon.

While I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really...motivated by psychological disturbance.

I always have an idea in the back of my head, but that goes with anything else that I'm doing. There is a sort of vision behind it.

It's a bit startling to achieve global recognition before the age of 30, on account of your sister, brother in law and your bottom.

I am always aware that I've had a special and privileged life, yet it has been balanced by tragedy as it has been for so many others.

For anyone to achieve something, he will have to show a little courage. You're only on this earth once. You must give it all you've got.

I don't know where this myth that I go to a lot of parties stems from. It's a total myth. I may go out to something special once a year.

It's always great to have two inspirations, one that has more of an editorial purpose and one for more of an everyday, wearable approach.

Of course I love leather, and I love stingray. So combining the two and adding those gold elements - I always love a great gold accessory.

My dream job would be a lawyer. I can talk my way out of anything, and I love cross-examining people. I think I'd be a really good lawyer.

A marriage, even one that goes awry, generates claims and needs that persist like an afterglow long after the emotional fire is burned out.

When I was married, I didn't work. When I had my children, I didn't work. But before that, I'd work for Diana Vreeland at 'Harper's Bazaar.'

Growing up, I wanted to be a sports commentator. Then my aunt introduced me to the fashion industry, and everything sort of fell into place.

I love looking at people who have achieved a lot - even Kim Kardashian, who has made a brand out of being a reality TV star; I applaud that.

I have a great curiosity to see new things, but not to own them. It's very peaceful this way, and one of the nice things about getting older.

I definitely take inspiration from runway trends but also throughout my travels, I see editorials all over in all of the different publications.

I spend the first half of my day dealing with Europe because of the time difference. Then in the evening my website gets my undivided attention.

I love belts. My husband always jokes with me, because he always calls me out on my belts, he's always like, "Just belt it, like you always say."

I had fun, but I didn't really have anyone i particularly loved except for loving friends. But I have a certain amount of faith that it will come.

The emergence of Pakistan, a decade ago, was an act of protest against the existence of privilege in the social order of the subcontinent of India.

I really get inspired by stylish girls around the world that I see on the street. Colors, patterns, throughout my travels, whatever catches my eye.

Why not collect and clean chicken wishbones in the run-up to Christmas, spray them silver and use each to pinch together a white hem-stitch napkin?

Have you ever analyzed things to the degree where you can’t really remember the difference between what’s real and what you’ve created in your head?

I know I'm never going to be as successful as my dad, but I get bored doing nothing. I couldn't go from vacation to vacation and have no motivation.

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