Wealth breeds satiety, satiety outrage.

Evil prevails when good men fail to act.

Education is a nation's cheapest defence

One more such victory and we are undone.

Man is an animal that cooks his victuals.

Fraud is the ready minister of injustice.

Pleasure of every kind quickly satisfies.

War never leaves where it found a nation.

Futurity is the great concern of mankind.

No man is happy; he is at best fortunate.

Education is the cheap defense of nations.

You can never plan the future by the past.

The ocean is an object of no small terror.

Slavery discourages arts and manufactures.

Good order is the foundation of all things.

Humanity cannot be degraded by humiliation.

Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.

A little caution outflanks a large cavalry.

In all things that you do, consider the end.

I grow old learning something new every day.

Here's to the health of my beloved Critias !

Superstition is the religion of feeble minds.

[Slavery] is a weed that grows in every soil.

Let them stew in their own grease (or juice).

Each day grow older, and learn something new.

Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Circumspection and caution are part of wisdom.

Man is by his constitution a religious animal.

Law and arbitrary power are at eternal enmity.

Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice.

Another victory like that and we are done for.

Soldiers in peace are like chimneys in summer.

Old age is the Outpatient's Dept of purgatory.

Facts are to the mind what food is to the body.

Old religious factions are volcanoes burnt out.

The nation that has the schools has the future.

You pick out the big men! I'll make them brave!

Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference.

The only training for the heroic is the mundane.

A great empire and little minds go ill together.

What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue!

We set ourselves to bite the hand that feeds us.

The poor despise labor when performed by slaves.

When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.

He who has his thumb on the purse has the power.

No one can be said to be happy until he is dead.

The traveller has reached the end of the journey!

Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.

Equity money is dynamic and debt money is static.

Liberty must be limited in order to be possessed.

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