Rich people without wisdom and learning are but sheep with golden fleeces.

Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are rebels from principle.

I do not know the method of drawing up an indictment against a whole people.

In such a strait the wisest may well be perplexed and the boldest staggered.

We represent in ourselves organized terror - this must be said very clearly.

To disarm the people... was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.

If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.

An evil nature wielding great authority brings misfortune upon the community.

An appearance of delicacy, and even fragility, is almost essential to beauty.

Those who have been intoxicated with power... can never willingly abandon it.

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.

Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 96% how I react to it.

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts.

Economy is a distributive virtue, and consists not in saving but in selection.

All men that are ruined, are ruined on the side of their natural propensities.

I venture to say no war can be long carried on against the will of the people.

Discussion is just a tool. You have to aim; the final goal must be a decision.

Politics is not a science, as the professors are apt to suppose. It is an art.

Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best

I'm never less at leisure than when at leisure, or less alone than when alone.

To tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

All the forces of darkness need to succeed ... is for the people to do nothing.

Woman is not made to be the admiration of everybody , but the happiness of one.

Power, in whatever hands, is rarely guilty of too strict limitations on itself.

Peace enforcement is a much more difficult kind of operation than peacekeeping.

man cannot control the current of events. he can only float with them and steer

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.

Let us put Germany, so to speak, in the saddle! you will see that she can ride.

To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making.

A half truth is the worst of all lies,because it can be defended in partiality.

We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.

The true way to mourn the dead is to take care of the living who belong to them.

There are two things you don't want to see being made - sausage and legislation.

The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind, is curiosity.

Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing.

Men and women have roles - their roles are different, but their rights are equal.

God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.

I have found that nothing so deceives your adversaries as telling them the truth.

A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation.

Somebody has said, that a king may make a nobleman but he cannot make a gentleman.

It is the interest of the commercial world that wealth should be found everywhere.

A populace never rebels from passion for attack, but from impatience of suffering.

Men have no right to what is not reasonable, and to what is not for their benefit.

As nations can not be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this.

You cannot make easy decisions unless you first commit yourself to hard solutions.

Laws are like medicine; they generally cure an evil by a lesser or a passing evil.

There are two things civilized Man should never see being made: Sausages and Laws.

Men are as much blinded by the extremes of misery as by the extremes of prosperity.

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