Being successful is something that's sometimes hard to deal with.

I wish to confess my sins and I wish Christ to come into my life.

Confidence is the best accessory. It can make or break an outfit.

The criteria, for me, is movie star. It's Hollywood. Not Somalia.

A baby fills a hole in your heart that you didn't know was there.

Maggie Smith is an amazing woman, and not as serious in real life.

People, me included, have a truly emotional thing about this iPad.

People want gimmicks. They have to lose 10 pounds by 8:30 tonight.

When I think of myself, I'm definitely... I'm not like a comedian.

As a young actor, you hear 'no' every single day for years on end.

I still buy CDs and DVDs, but generally for more obscure material.

A miracle that can never be: your face, your hands, pledged to me.

Birthday Wishes Are sent your way! To wish you Such Wonderful Day!

Queer Eye is a makeover show, meant to help our straight brethren.

My creativity comes from an unhoned place, if 'unhoned' is a word.

I was enamored with him. And I was excited. And I was enjoying it.

I've been going to shopping malls since I was on General Hospital.

I don't talk about my personal life, and I don't talk about death.

I'm wearing a garbage bag. I was put on my own worst-dressed list.

We all get swept up in the hype machine. Nobody is immune to that.

I used a lot of pancake makeup and a prayer, and a Buddhist chant.

Even my agents say, 'We don't know what this business is anymore.'

Dracula and LSU Football are at their best after the sun goes down.

I'm not one of those people who are, like, always joking in person.

I feel like a nuclear missile. Point me in that direction, I'll go.

That's the thing with 'Lost': you can put a spin on so many things.

I was relatively technically adept. I can edit and wire up a light.

I don't think you can play a villain with a negative point of view.

I don't assume that I am going to be cast as a Glaswegian landlord.

I would rather have played a character like Opie than Little Ricky.

Some people are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them

The most potent thing we can do is to bring more compassion online.

In New York, I like it when you can get bagels at 3 in the morning.

Finding tricks to create flattering body shape is the key to style.

I did martial arts and karate for eight years when I was growing up.

Films are a director's medium. We're all stemming from the director.

When you make a movie, it's up to so many things and so many people.

Man is not the lord of all the world's animals. He is the protector.

I'm kind of known for something that's not so great to be known for.

The real pride, the real present, is your health and your longevity.

Whenever I'm doing stage, I want to be doing screen, and vice versa.

Collaboration is the best way to work. It's only way to work, really.

Families are the deepest, most screwed up relationships that we have.

Put one dumb foot in front of the other and course-correct as you go.

I love working in TV. TV is fast. You shoot it and it's done quickly.

That's really the challenge of this century, to develop spokespeople.

The best theatre I've done, I've done right here in this living room.

The externals are important but I'm not interested in superficiality.

Doing what you want to do is easy. Doing what you have to do is hard.

I would feel a little awkward because of my connection with politics.

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