I have big, big stage fright.

Stage fright is my worst problem.

All that counts in life is intention.

My style in Italian is very old-style.

You can be great only if it is your destiny.

Singing is a form of admitting that I'm alive.

Success is related to faith. Faith comes first.

Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine.

I am a product of my native land, Tuscany, Italy.

Because I practice often with my children at home.

While they are kids, my children must do as I say.

I don't have the will for singing but I must do it.

I have a European frame of mind and Europe is my home.

It is the uninvolved parent who has to resort to strictness.

Now I'm more sure and I feel myself more comfortable singing.

Living is dangerous. The important thing is to know the limits.

It's true that I suffered a lot, especially when I was younger.

I never think about gifts. It's enough to have my family present.

It is not Christian to go against someone. I am in favour of life.

I've always known that I was born to sing, ever since I was a child.

I'm quite shy, so I hate seeing my private life splashed over the papers.

My idol has been Franco Corelli. But every singer can teach you something.

When you sing and people want that you sing, then you can hope to be great.

The activity of a singer that sings opera is similar to that of an athlete.

I do not think anyone can ever do anything without the help and will of God.

If you don't have the possibility of listening to music, you can't know if you love it.

I am a very lazy man, so, for me, the dream is to be at home on the chair with my family.

Destiny has a lot to do with it, but so do you. You have to persevere, you have to insist.

Follow your heart wherever it takes you. Nobody knows where the wind blows. No one can say.

To sing opera, one needs two things: the voice and the passion - and above all, the passion.

More people are listening to opera, and I'm happy - everybody must be given that opportunity.

Criticism in good faith is good. When it's targeted solely to destruction, I'm not interested.

An hour of anxiety cannot change my circumstances, but a minute of prayer can alter everything.

Some years ago I gave a concert in the mountains with snow all around, and that was much colder.

In essence, I set myself the objective of doing what I feel is right without having any ambition.

To sing a song is like whispering to a child's ear. It is an art heavily relying on improvisation.

I live for my children, so my number one rule is I won't go away from home for more than two weeks.

The world is full of many beautiful voices; I will perform with many of them. I love women's voices.

I'm a country boy, and we're the product of our upbringing. As a boy, I was told that men don't cry.

I started as a lyrical singer. But it was through the pop universe that I reached international fame.

I think I don't want to use drugs or medicine, so nothing. The only way is to go on stage and to hope.

The voice is something very mysterious. It's difficult to say what is inside a voice that moves people.

Often, I went in love with some friends in school. And, no, I suffered. Only later, things went better.

Fatherhood is a very natural thing; it's not something that shakes up my life but rather it enriches it.

It's very important for me to try to relax when I'm travelling, and playing my flute helps me to unwind.

The themes I sing about tend to be centered on love, but in the most total, general way 360 degrees of love.

Singing provides a true sense of lightheartedness. If I sing when I am alone, I feel wonderful. It's freedom.

When a little more than a teenager, I was a piano-bar pianist in the land where I was born and raised, Tuscany.

People wonder if there is a relationship between my lack of sight and the way I sing. But there's no connection.

Even in the most beautiful music there are some silences, which are there so we can witness the importance of silence.

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