Art is a ripening, an evolution, an uplifting which enables us to ...

Art is a ripening, an evolution, an uplifting which enables us to emerge from darkness into a blaze of light.

The object is freedom.

Cry you little monsters!

Pleasure was the color of the time.

Policy is the people you work with.

His art is the health of the artist.

No act of government can save the world.

I wasnt political in order to be political

Let me die still loving, and so, never die.

My main interest is in cultivating my company.

As a young man, I experimented with everything.

I never had a paying job that was not in theatre.

You're the answer to are we alone in the universe?

If we don't get lost, we'll never find a new route.

I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage.

What counts isn't the frame, it's what you put in it.

Theatre is, occasionally, capable of moments of truth.

If beer got any lighter you could raise goldfish in it.

I've tried to stay out of the frame more as a director.

I so wanted to perform, and I grasped every opportunity.

I do not welcome advice from actors, they are here to act.

I do not welcome advice from actors; they are here to act.

I have great respect for Brecht, but his path is not mine.

I find, to my amazement, that I have reached the age of 90!

Every minute of life I take a risk; it's part of the enjoyment.

There are two impulses in theatre: to be frivolous or to make rules.

I would love to figure out a way to be less careful and more adventurous.

Change the molecules, juices in the blood, so they do things differently.

If you want to create a masterpiece, you must always avoid beautiful lies.

There is more at stake here than just our lives. It is the lives around us.

The work of rehearsal is looking for meaning and then making it meaningful.

One fine day I discovered that more complex plays really have to be directed.

The work of a director can be summed up in two very simple words. Why and How.

I've always wanted to try things for myself before passing a judgment on them.

What I've understood is that to be funny is not my job. To see funny is my job.

Steppenwolf has always been at the center of everything in my professional life.

Unlike other people, our reviewers are powerful because they believe in nothing.

A stage space has two rules: (1) Anything can happen and (2) Something must happen.

I think a woman who is successful is critiqued more harshly than a man is critiqued.

Mem'ry All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days Life was beautiful then.

I've just taken the decision that I'm going to now go full time back into the theater.

Directing her was like directing Lassie. You need 14 takes to get each one of them right.

You cannot create results. You can only create conditions in which something might happen.

A gym for the soul is a place where personal investment is required and the return is real.

I like melodrama because it is situated just at the meeting point between life and theater.

The odd thing about Cripple of Inishmaan is its never actually been performed on the island.

I don't want to work with someone who's nervous, I want to work with someone who is fearless

One of the things that you never realise while you are young is that things do come to an end.

Every choice I've ever made has been dictated by a formless hunch rather than by strict logic.

The odd thing about 'Cripple of Inishmaan' is it's never actually been performed on the island.

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