Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, ...

Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.

I don't plan massively in advance.

We must advance regulatory reforms.

The mind cannot foresee its own advance.

Serbia is blamed in advance for everything.

Error is discipline through which we advance.

A good model can advance fashion by ten years.

I am not a person who plans things in advance.

I really try to plan out my dinners in advance.

Why should we take options off the table in advance?

I didn't see myself as any advance guard, or feminist.

The advance of science spares us from irrational dread.

Is a decision made in advance really any kind of choice.

Let us advance science to create a better world for all.

If no one ever broke the rules, then we'd never advance.

All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance.

In life, that is how you advance - by pushing the limits.

In theater, we know a scheduled season months in advance.

The wisest use of American strength is to advance freedom.

But each country has to advance and move at its own speed.

As we advance in life we learn the limits of our abilities.

It's important to see how we can advance in healing wounds.

The British retreat is over and now the advance will begin.

I never took a dollar from Young Jeezy. No advance, nothing.

As we advance in life, we learn the limits of our abilities.

Remember that life's big changes rarely give advance warning.

If I planned everything out in advance, I'd expire of boredom.

One can't predict the weather more than a few days in advance.

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.

I've never read a screenplay in advance. You trust the artist.

I thought the best place to advance the AI mission is at Baidu.

Look at what Silicon Valley has done - the advance of computers.

In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance.

Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.

Follow me if I advance, kill me if I retreat, avenge me if I die.

Democracy is not always chapter and verse, written out in advance.

Follow me if I advance! Kill me if I retreat! Revenge me if I die!

Working in Bollywood is like gambling, you cannot plan in advance.

I don't do anything unless I think about it six months in advance.

May the days be aimless. Do not advance action according to a plan.

By trying to advance the perfect conservative solution, nobody wins.

No one has done more to advance the rule of law than President Trump.

The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance.

Societies advance through innovation every bit as much as economies do.

I thank you in advance for the great round of applause I'm about to get.

Diplomacy is not an end in itself if it does not advance U.S. interests.

By putting forward the hands of the clock you shall not advance the hour.

In order to advance in this world, you need to have respect for yourself.

Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one's ability to persuade.

The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror.

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