I am Buzz Lightyear!

I am definitely not rich.

Program Alarm, it's a 1202.

We're number one on the runway.

I failed music when I was a teenager.

Mars is there, waiting to be reached.

I do celebrity ski races all over the world.

Nobody cares about the bronze or silver medals.

If you want poets in space, you'll have to wait.

I don't go through life verbalizing what I feel.

Climate has been changing for billions of years.

Pascal Lee is a true pioneer of Mars exploration.

The guys who walk on Mars are going to be historic.

The much-hyped Ares 1-X was much ado about nothing.

What comes after the moon? I think you can guess: Mars.

I still say, 'Shoot for the moon; you might get there.'

Save the taxpayer's money by canceling the Ares 1 and V.

My favourite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.

I shot down two airplanes in Korea, so I wasn't a slouch.

I realize that my life is not the common ordinary person.

As a student, I wrote English reports on science fiction.

If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger.

It's time to open the space frontier to citizen explorers.

Extraordinary observations require extraordinary evidence.

Certainly, I've never wanted to live on past achievements.

No dream is too high for those with their eyes in the sky!

I want to keep on the move, keep stimulated and challenged.

I inherited depression from my mother's side of the family.

You can tell I'm not too bashful about some of my feelings.

American greatness was elevated significantly after Sputnik.

I think the climate has been changing for billions of years.

Bravery comes along as a gradual accumulation of discipline.

I grew up in a country that I thought was special. And it was.

Going to Mars would evolve humankind into a two-planet species.

Look at what Silicon Valley has done - the advance of computers.

I grew up in New Jersey and never went up the Statue of Liberty.

Unfortunately, pioneers will always pave the way with sacrifices.

A mind concerned about danger is a clouded mind. It's paralyzing.

America must dream again, and have the faith to achieve the dream.

I felt pretty confident in relieving myself, since I had the urge.

People communicate in Twittering ways. I've learned how to do that.

Every couple of years, we could dispatch people from Earth to Mars.

Kids, help your parents if they don't know how to use a smartphone.

I don't watch 'American Idol,' but I wouldn't call it 'undignified.'

We can't start over and develop a Saturn 5-type vehicle from scratch.

Space tourism is a logical outgrowth of the adventure tourist market.

The final frontier may be human relationships, one person to another.

There should be an international lunar base. That is certainly doable.

Heavy lifting doesn't need to be heavy spending if we do the job right.

Space travel for everyone is the next frontier in the human experience.

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