People are so selfish. Those you help are the ones who turn against you.

There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour, one against another.

A true teacher defends his students against his own personal influences.

The revolution is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.

Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.

There is no defense against a perfect pass. I can throw the perfect pass.

The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry.

Heretics are the only bitter remedy against the entropy of human thought.

To attempt to advise conceited people is like whistling against the wind.

I just feel like being free is not going against anything you want to do.

Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.

In the long run, there is not much discrimination against superior talent.

To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.

You don't play against opponents, you play against the game of basketball.

I'm against government-subsidized parking and government-mandated parking.

We can all fight against loneliness by engaging in random acts of kindness.

I feel like everybody is against Floyd Mayweather. I don't get any respect.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.

Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.

The first duty of an historian is to be on guard against his own sympathies.

You got to take a deep breath and give up. The system is rigged against you.

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.

The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue.

Fascism was a counter-revolution against a revolution that never took place.

The increase in the world's population represents our victory against death.

Any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up.

Strong people are made by opposition like kites that go up against the wind.

I would curse people who resort to coups against democracy, liberty, republic.

I've spent my life butting my head against other people's lack of imagination.

When I don't feel free and can't do what I want I just react. I go against it.

The legal battle against segregation is won, but the community battle goes on.

I hope that people realise pitting two women against each other is just silly.

Anytime you ride against the best in the world, it becomes a learning process.

You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals.

Money is a scoreboard where you can rank how you're doing against other people.

This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.

The proud fight against colonialism is one that should be consigned to history.

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

People wear shorts to the Broadway theater. There should be a law against that.

Human judges can show mercy. But against the laws of nature, there is no appeal.

No one will ever win a 5,000-meter by running an easy two miles. Not against me.

Gay Liberation? I ain't against it, it's just that there's nothing in it for me.

You're born with two strikes against you, so don't take a third one on your own.

The right to bear arms is because it's the last form of defense against tyranny.

The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.

If you're playing against an aggressive side, you need to play an aggressive game.

Sweden usually don't play good against the poor teams. We like being the underdogs.

The best thing I've ever heard another player say is, 'I hate playing against you.'

Capitalism is always evaluated against dreams. Utopia is a dream. It doesn't exist.

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