Ahimsa is the strongest force known.

Ahimsa is my God, and Truth is my God.

Truth and ahimsa will never be destroyed.

The test of Ahimsa is absence of jealousy.

Ahimsa and love are one and the same thing.

Love and ahimsa are matchless in their effect.

The way to truth lies through ahimsa (nonviolence).

Love, otherwise ahimsa, sustains this planet of ours.

Ahimsa in theory no one knows. It is as indefinable as God.

Ahimsa is not a matter of mere dietetics: it transcends it.

The fullest application of ahimsa does make life impossible.

Ahimsa is the eradication of the desire to injure or to kill.

Ahimsa and Truth are my two lungs. I cannot live without them.

The highest religion has been defined by a negative word: ahimsa.

The removal of untouchability is one of the highest expressions of ahimsa.

The path of Truth is as narrow as it is straight. Even so is that of ahimsa.

The greater the realization of truth and ahimsa, the greater the illumination.

It is against the spirit of ahimsa to overawe even one person into submission.

Ahimsa is the highest ideal. It is meant for the brave, never for the cowardly.

Love in the sense of ahimsa has only a limited number of votaries in the world.

The power of unarmed nonviolence is any day far superior to that of armed force.

Ahimsa can be practiced only towards those that are inferior to you in every way.

Ahimsa is a science. The word 'failure' has no place in the vocabulary of science.

What is it but my ahimsa that draws thousands of women to me in fearless confidence?

Ahimsa is the height of Kshatriya dharma as it represents the climax of fearlessness.

Means to be means must always be within our reach, and so ahimsa is our supreme duty.

Cow-protection can only be secured by cultivating universal friendliness, i.e. ahimsa.

In protecting oneself, others are protected; In protecting others, oneself is protected.

Ahimsa is no mere theory with me, but it is a fact of life based on extensive experience.

All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.

Ahimsa must be placed before everything else while it is professed. Then alone it becomes irresistible.

Ahimsa and Truth are so intertwined that it is practically impossible to disentangle and separate them.

Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which though doest not.

The alphabet of ahimsa is best learnt in domestic school and I can say from experience that if we secure success there, we are sure to do so everywhere else.

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