Airbnb is undervalued.

Airbnb is about travel.

Airbnb started with 'air bed and breakfast.'

Airbnb is a company with values around hospitality.

The story of Airbnb is really the underdog story in many ways.

Airbnb is a much more effective protest than shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge.

Airbnb was born out of necessarity. Our rent went up. It was born out of a problem.

I feel triumphant when our moms can use Airbnb without their technically inclined kids.

Our shared vision of belonging is the thread that weaves through every touchpoint on Airbnb.

Airbnb is about the nexus of the online and offline to create the perfect customer experience.

When we started Airbnb, I had no idea about the people we would meet or the friendships I would make.

I think the key that makes Airbnb is the fact that we're a community, not just a series of commodities.

I don't think I have to combat Airbnb. It is like comparing Tiffany to a shop that sells things for one dollar.

Airbnb has proven that hospitality, generosity, and the simple act of trust between strangers can go a long way.

Airbnb has grown thanks to our hosts creating memorable experiences and inspiring their guests to be hosts in their hometowns.

Everything we do, every decision we make, is to ensure the best possible Airbnb experience for our community and grow the love.

Staying at Airbnb listings gives me the opportunity to truly understand and experience the local culture of the countries I visit.

No hotels have gone out of business because of Airbnb... Airbnb is not a perfect substitute for a hotel. We excel at different things.

At Airbnb, we're trying to build a culture that supports details, celebrates them, and gives our teams creative license to pursue them.

Ultimately, the power of the Airbnb platform is that it motivates guests to blend into communities, belong anywhere, and live like locals.

We have to be careful that we don't have so much regulation that would prevent all of the people who are benefiting from Airbnb to benefit.

Everything at Airbnb is a continuation of what it's like to be a guest in somebody's house. We think about how each stage makes people feel.

Uber is redefining the transportation industry now; Airbnb is doing it to the hotel industry. You can expect that to happen in every single industry.

You must have the ability to recognize good design and good user experience. These are core things at Airbnb. It doesn't matter which department you're in.

Airbnb is dedicated to empowering people and communities through healthy tourism, and we have a long tradition of supporting local projects in Asia-Pacific.

Airbnb's genius was moving into cities and recognizing that millennials would want to go and maybe spend a vacation or visit some friends in an urban center.

Filecoin is a decentralized storage market - think of it like Airbnb for cloud storage - where anybody with extra hard drive space can sell it on the network.

Airbnb is creating a new marketplace for space and is facing many of the challenges that eBay faced back in 1998 when they created a new marketplace for goods.

It's important for anyone working at a hyper growth company such as Airbnb to embrace learning and be open in order to keep pace with the changing environment.

I'm less Soho House these days, more Airbnb. It's just so useful to have a washing machine, or to rock up somewhere with a baby bed and all the other kit provided.

There's always room for an operator like Airbnb, but it's quite a different thing to my serviced apartments. Airbnb is a different market - it has nothing to do with me.

When we founded Airbnb in 2008, our dream was to help create a world where you could belong anywhere, and that vision has taken root in almost every country in the world.

We believe that the best solutions come from solving your own problem. If you have a real problem, there's likely someone else who can relate. That's how Airbnb was born.

We actually distribute using AirBnB because they're the vacation management company and they distribute us, which is why AirBnB is also a small shareholder in our company.

My role is to think about what the future could be for Airbnb - and that includes crafting an effortless and easy-to-use service on any platform, whether mobile, tablet, or Web.

We're a community-driven brand, but at the same time, we want every host in every home to recognize that they're all individuals, and to use Airbnb as an expression of their individuality.

When I learned about Airbnb, I was like, 'Wow, this is an amazing, new way to travel; it's about community, and there's a lot to figure out to clear the way,' so I was really drawn to that.

While Airbnb cannot singlehandedly level the playing field for women, I believe we can play a role in enabling women around the world to follow their passions and design the lives they want.

In June 2010, I moved out of my apartment and I have been mostly homeless ever since, off and on. I just live in Airbnb apartments and I check in every week in different homes in San Francisco.

People don't use Airbnb overtly to trust people more. They use it because they want to get a better sense of the culture and to save money. A by-product was that they live in someone else's shoes.

By helping New Yorkers turn their greatest expense - their home - into an asset, Airbnb is a vehicle that artists, entrepreneurs, and innovators can use to earn extra money to pursue their passion.

What we're doing with Airbnb feels like the nexus of everything that is right. We're helping people be more resourceful with the space they already have, and we're connecting people around the world.

Even with uncertainty around the future of work in an increasingly automated world, Airbnb will remain a way for women to achieve greater financial independence and social empowerment in the years ahead.

Technology has really created new markets. For instance, Airbnb has created a high demand for executive short-term and vacation properties. Even 10 years ago, it was hard to find tenants without newspaper ads.

RelayRides and WhipCar, AirBnB, Roomorama and One Fine Stay are all stellar examples of how new, access-based offers entice and provoke insurance companies and banks to re-think risk, value, customers and deal terms.

When I'm travelling, I don't like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property which is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing.

I want to go to Italy and France; those are my two places. And I really want to go to Greece. I've seen so many pictures on Airbnb that make me think I should be living there. I could eat great salads and be on a boat.

There's a perception out there that Airbnb doesn't want there to be rules. We think rules would be fantastic. We think rules would help our community, but not necessarily the rules that have simply existed for decades.

The spread of information technology and the long-term decline in the cost of computing power have created opportunities that simply did not exist before. Airbnb, for example, could not have existed before the Internet.

Uber, and Airbnb to a different extent, implemented the same battle plan. Bezos is an investor in both companies and, to some degree, has relationships with both CEOs. It is not a surprise that they are heirs to Amazon.

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