Working people have alot of bad habits, but the worst of these is work.

If you're really listening there are alot of hidden messages in my songs.

You can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.

But we also think that we've got more quite alot more support than any new format has ever had.

Getting used to the studio and everything was fun, we freaked about alot. I was working very hard then.

Alot of my inspiration comes from people that you don't see on TV like my mum and my grandma. There's so much history and knowledge.

Pincurling is my secret! I wear my hair wavy alot, and so I don't have to use all that excess heat every day trying to curl it; I just pincurl it.

Right right, because up to that point I had not been a viewer, and I didn't know alot about the show, it was all new to me and the cast members were wonderful!

This was an important part of my life. But it was also sad that we didn't play there, cause we had such alot of fans that were waiting for us and Brazilians are great people. It's now my second home.

What that means initially is that you have alot of products that are only slightly better games in the same genre on another machine - and the titles that really take advantage of the machine come along later.

When I was younger I would be taken for a ride alot, I would believe anybody at face value, I was quite a lallu actually everybody would fool me, exploit me for my work and talent and I would cry about it later.

George was getting alot of independence for himself in those days. He was writing more, and wanted things to go his way - where, when we first started things basically went John and Paul's way. You know, 'cuz they were the writers.

I think labels have been used alot during this election process to divide people, and at this point in time we really need people to come together, and be their own person, come with their own suggestions, and really solve the problems that we have facing this country.

A lot of times we're being portrayed as thugs, but anyone who really knows us understand that we work hard, we diet hard, the commitment is full on. But alot of people don't see that. Some of the nicest and most respectful people I've ever met are in this sport. I truly believe that, and there's a lot of fighters that live by that.

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