Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.

Like I always say, man, anytime you got playmakers around you it makes your job easier.

You can always tell when a man's well informed. His views are pretty much like your own.

I have always believed helping your fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom line.

By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with.

Wear what you want to wear. Do what you want to do. Be who you are. Pick out your own clothes. Be a man. And if that's too much to ask, as it almost always is for me, think of someone you consider to be a man and pretend to be like him. I pretend to be like my dad.

You can't exactly bake a man to your specifications. Most of all, one shouldn't alienate a candidate. A hybrid of Einstein, Tarzan and Inge Meysel doesn't exist. Besides, the images of politicians in the media aren't always accurate. I've had my share of experiences in that regard.

Let me tell you about the nap. It's absolutely fantastic. When I was a kid, my father was always trying to tell me how to be a man. And he said - I was maybe nine - he said, 'Philip, whenever you take a nap, take your clothes off and put a blanket over you, and you're going to sleep better.' Well, as with everything, he was right.

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