I just find anyone who's arrogant and pompous is always the funniest for me.

I have a house in the Connecticut countryside where you'll always find me, summer or winter.

I always find cardio the most monotonous. Running on a treadmill shows me why hamsters are so crazy.

I always thought that fans would always turn away from me whenever they find more attractive actresses or dramas.

I used to take someone with me for the chemotherapy so I could do jokes. You always try and find something absurd.

Ever since I worked on 'Buffy', it's always helped me to find a genre container for something, and I was like, 'Oh, this is where the movie melodrama has gone to. It's gone to YA.'

If I go and buy a coffee, and somebody asks me what I do, I'll say, 'I find asteroids.' And the first thing they always do is make a Bruce Willis joke, or they are going to bring up Armageddon.

I've always been more comfortable making my decisions from the subconscious level, or more emotionally, because I find it is more truthful to me; Intellectually, I don't think like that because I get uncomfortable.

I always, by an involuntary act of defensiveness, return to my everyday self: so, I find, have I withdrawn from writing about experiences which have most closely concerned and disturbed me. I have been deflected by my own reticence.

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