Dust jackets are always something of an enigma to me.

When someone does something special for me, I always cherish it.

The idea of being a designer is always something that has intrigued me.

Beats are really inspiring. They always make me want to write something over them.

I've always had issues with factory farming. That was always something that bothered me.

I like communicating and being open and committing. That, for me, has always been something that I like to do.

I think, at first blush, the '60s always enticed me. There's something about the '60s, it's not hard to like it.

I always felt like I was a freak when I was growing up and that there was something wrong with me because I couldn't fit in anywhere.

I oscillate between being cynical and being naive on a regular basis. I always think that not much shocks me until something much too obvious does.

We leave traces with our energy and vibrations. We leave something of ourselves behind everywhere were we pass. This is what always fascinates and inspires me.

I've always been fascinated by horror films and genre films. And horror films harbored a fascination for me and always have been something I've wanted to watch and wanted to make.

When I started playing basketball, they always would have me at the block, and I'm like, 'Yo, I don't want to play down here. I want to do something else.' This is not entertaining to me, and whatever the guards do, I wanted to do.

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