Android is ahead of the iPhone now.

Android was built to be very, very secure.

Android dominates the mobile malware market.

Never trust an android! Anything could happen, really, from here on in.

Nothing makes an android feel more useless than when a human is crying.

There's nothing that would keep Apple out of the Android market as a secondary phone market.

Apple created Android, or at least created the conditions necessary for Android to come into being

We made the world uninhabitable for ourselves and it can only be inhabited by robots and androids.

I am very happy about Android obviously. I use Android, and it's actually made cellphones very usable.

You don't need to be a computer scientist to use a Windows Phone. I think you do to use an Android phone.

I'm going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this.

I have a glitch, too. Sometimes I forget that I’m not human. I don’t think that happens to most androids.

The incredible processing power of Tegra X1 enables us to bring Doom 3: BFG to Android and we’re excited by the possibilities that GRID is bringing to gaming.

Android has been managed essentially to make it a profitless prosperity. Right now, if Google is not careful, Android will be Samsung or Samsung will be Android.

I'm carrying an iPhone 5. I like this device. It's been impressive. I have a Windows and an Android device... I carry an iPad. I carry a Kindle... Yeah, I have a lot of devices.

We think Android is very, very fragmented, and becoming more fragmented by the day. And as you know, Apple strives for the integrated model so that the user isn't forced to be the systems integrator.

Android is very different from the GNU/Linux operating system because it contains very little of GNU. Indeed, just about the only component in common between Android and GNU/Linux is Linux, the kernel.

Android is a new form of the other, but you can parallel the other to so many different types of people. Even if you don't consider yourself to be the other, at one point in time I'm sure you felt like that.

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