A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone ...

A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone who carries water for his people so that they can get on with their jobs.

I love video.

Life's messy.

I'm an NFL guy.

I hate fad diets.

I believe in rituals.

Networking is working.

Our job is to execute.

Microsoft loves Linux.

I'm a fixer by nature.

I am never on holiday.

Content begets content.

I'm running a business.

I don't have any fears.

CEOs can stay too long.

Premium content matters.

Please don't let me fall.

When no one else signs me.

Tom Selleck is a big draw.

Video gives people a voice.

Smarter is always the answer.

References drive the industry.

Lawyers don't run sales forces.

Connecting today is a dialogue.

Women drive network television.

I see business as an ecosystem.

Tech never comes back the same.

Details create the big picture.

Good design is serious business.

Everyone wants to be recognized.

Leadership is service to others.

I was lucky to have a great dad.

To be silent is to be complicit.

To this day, I'm a slave to CNBC.

We have to make bureaucracy sexy.

This is a software-powered world.

Mediocrity is not worth the trip.

I am one with the popular culture.

Audiences like making discoveries.

Accepting fear head-on is freeing.

People under 75 need more seasoning

I'm inspired by visual stimulation.

There is no tomorrow without today.

BlackBerrys are divine instruments.

If something excites you, go for it.

I've spent a lot of time off planet.

I believe women need to take charge.

I'm very comfortable in my own skin.

Don’t confuse progress with winning.

In any business, you have to evolve.

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