Rock isn't art, it's the way ordinary people talk.

Art allows people a way to dream their way out of their struggle.

Fiction is all about vicarious experiences and getting into other people's heads in a way that no other art form lets you.

I like people that challenge their art, not only in the purist way, but also in terms of how they could provoke and make something different.

Art makes you see people as individual, unique human beings. Art, in that way, allows us to see each other in particulate, as opposed to in aggregate.

I just like stuff that's raw, itself, real and genuine. I think that's the way art should be. That's the kind of stuff that people can connect to more.

My art should have a lightness and sweetness. Especially since it has heavy and triggering subject matters, I prefer to present it in a way that's palatable and draws people in.

There is so much art can do to enlighten people, no matter what their views might be. If art can't go there or doesn't elevate the social consciousness in some way, then we are in peril.

From being at art college, I've always hated people that have the gall to think that they're being incredibly different when they're doing something in a very acceptable way, something safe that they've seen someone else doing.

The ultimate art form of fashion is couture. I completely geek out when it comes to couture. It shows fashion as it used to be. I don't know how many people can actually afford the clothes, but in a way, that's beside the point.

Trump made his fortune manipulating tax laws and stiffing small businessmen, creating a few well-paying jobs along the way. Vulnerable people looking to master 'the art of the deal' learned the hard way that Trump held all the cards.

I've been in companies where they have galas. U.S. companies aren't government-funded, so they invite wealthier people to come to these events. It's a very glamorous art form. They send you off to talk to bankers, and they make you feel objectified in a way.

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