Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a ...

Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place.

I'm well aware when they fired the starting gun I was halfway down ...

I'm well aware when they fired the starting gun I was halfway down the track, but I still ran as fast as I could for 25 years.

The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly ...

The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.

I love Paul Rudd.

Writers are nerds.

I love action movies.

Juno: Honest to blog?

Sequels are desperate.

I fought fire with oil.

I grew up in Melbourne.

Film is a battleground.

Fate keeps on happening.

Casting is storytelling.

Gentlemen prefer blondes.

I love Jennifer Connelly.

Shiny, let's be bad guys!

Art is 110 percent sweat.

Youth has become a class.

Tone is everything in TV.

Fear is the highest fence.

Tragedy makes you grow up.

Routine is part of coping.

Tom Brokaw was never young.

She was nice. Nice is good.

Stay Weird, Stay Different.

I think I made good movies.

A good deed is a good deed.

Stay crunchy, even in milk.

As a writer, I'm limitless.

My aesthetic is very black.

I love crispy, cool sheets.

Talent is truth on display.

I prefer writing originals.

Love is a hole in the heart.

You want magic to feel real.

My college years are a blur.

Mother is a verb, not a noun.

I just want to keep learning.

There are no Asian movie stars

I'm a horrible public speaker.

Scripts don't get movies made.

'Stargate' was more a fantasy.

Hi, Honey, I'm home - forever.

I fell in love again (laughs).

Everybody's a filmmaker today.

I cannot abide useless people.

I love a good romantic comedy.

I am personally quite liberal.

We're playing strip billiards.

Heroes? Don't believe in them.

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