Totalitarianism surpasses autocracy.

In nation after nation, democracy has taken the place of autocracy.

The deadliest foe of democracy is not autocracy but liberty frenzied.

As so often before, liberty has been wounded in the house of its friends.

Alexander II really used autocracy well to negotiate the freeing of the serfs in 1861.

The Republicans want an autocracy where the rights of minorities and others are not protected.

Autocracy is a government of the few from above; Bolshevism is a government of the few from below.

Sometimes, when democracy has to fight with autocracy, what can be done? We have to fight; somebody has to.

The autocracies of the Arab world have been as economically destructive as they've been politically repressive.

The Chinese, as befits a Communist autocracy, approached the task of dominating the Olympics with top-down military discipline.

The war has begun between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. Modi's rule is autocracy and Rahul's soul is democracy.

There is no better way to manage than by walking around. Autocracy doesn't work. Talk to people in their offices, find out what's on their minds.

Aside from the occasional genocide, oppression, evil and torture, etc., it is inarguable that public policy could be implemented more rapidly in an autocracy.

The memoirs of the Grand Duchess Olga are an entertaining record for anyone interested in the imperial family's home life during the last years of Russian autocracy.

The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy.

Trump has torn off America's Band-Aid. The stories we are covering are about fundamental American values. We are having debates about democracy versus autocracy, the rule of law, equality and diversity.

It was always presumptuous to expect Russia, an ancient nation-state and proud empire of distinct culture with a tradition of autocracy, to become an Anglo-American democracy overnight - just as it is naive to expect it in other parts of the world.

Which, autocracy or democracy, is really better suited to modern China? If we base our judgment upon the intelligence and the ability of the Chinese people, we come to the conclusion that the sovereignty of the people would be far more suitable for us.

Our 21st-century world is an incredibly dangerous one. Between brutal civil wars, violent extremism, spreading autocracy, rising inequality, territorial expansionism, election interference, and nuclear proliferation, our policymakers have their hands full.

'The Secret Agent' remains the most brilliant novelistic study of terrorism as viewed from the blood-spattered outside. But 'Under Western Eyes' dares to leap inside - not only into the terrorist mind, but also into the troubled zone that divides West from East, 'the autocracy in mystic vestments.'

I was interested by the idea that artists working in a totalitarian dictatorship or tsarist autocracy are secretly and slightly shamefully envied by artists who work in freedom. They have the gratification of intense interest: the authorities want to put them in jail, while there are younger readers for whom what they write is pure oxygen.

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