I loved doing Baywatch. It was so much fun!

I'll take being on Baywatch over being Prom Queen any day.

I think Baywatch is such a hit here because of the weather.

'Baywatch' was terrifying. I could feel the financial stakes, you know?

Over in the UK and in Wales, it's nice to turn on the TV and see 'Baywatch.'

Everyone thinks I'm lying when I say how much 'Baywatch' was a part of our lives.

We made sure nobody died on the show. We made sure nobody ever drowned on 'Baywatch.'

The people on Baywatch were about as nice a group of people as I had ever worked with.

I did five seasons of 'Baywatch,' and I did four seasons of 'VIP.' I've been around awhile.

Beyond its entertainment values, 'Baywatch' has enriched and in many cases helped save lives.

I liked acting early on, and I really liked roles that were meaningful to me, and 'Baywatch' was.

The red 'Baywatch' swimsuit is iconic. When I had my first fitting I guess it felt a bit like Superman putting on his cape for the first time.

Yes, I play this evil, mean character Victoria in 'Baywatch.' It is so much fun. I didn't want my first film in America to be just another role.

My favorite memory about 'Baywatch' is the music. That was my favorite part. It was, like, my calling. And to watch everyone run in slow motion.

I never was obsessive about anything I watched when I was a kid, except maybe 'The A-Team' and 'Airwolf'... And I loved 'Knight Rider' and then later 'Baywatch.'

The best part of working on 'Baywatch' is to be the villain of the movie. I don't think The Rock, aka Dwayne Johnson, has ever had anyone who's been mean to him.

For all the concern about bodies and weight, 'Baywatch' has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food.

Ask everyone what they remember about 'Baywatch' and they're gonna tell the story of when they were 10, sneaking it while their parents were out. Everybody has something.

'Baywatch' was one of those shows that you auditioned for all the time as a young girl. I auditioned once to play a blind girl and didn't get it. I was constantly auditioning for it.

We have actors from other films, from 'Baywatch,' and so on, and these people are looking exactly the opposite of what they are. The transformations were so smooth, and so funny to watch, it was unbelievable.

I love meeting 'the Odd Man Out' - like fans of 'Baywatch' who regret, as I do, that Tower 12 Productions didn't put nearly as much energy into writing and directing the show as they put into photographing and editing it.

I did not sit down and watch 'Baywatch' growing up. But I do specifically remember it coming on, and I remember it going off. I watched something that came on right before and then going back to that channel to watch what was coming on afterwards.

I think that people sort of stereotype me as the blonde 'Baywatch' girl who's always in a swimsuit, so, I think, to tell my story - that I got up to 175 lbs., was so depressed I couldn't get out of bed - will show that life wasn't always good for me.

I think 'Baywatch' will be a summer blockbuster, and I'm not just saying it because I'm in it. I saw a bunch of scenes right now, and it's the funniest movie ever. Dwayne and Zac Efron have the best chemistry, and I come and interrupt their chemistry.

I hate remakes of TV shows - I didn't like the new Charlie's Angels at all - and I just don't see the point of going back and doing the same thing over again. Baywatch was fun and successful, probably because we didn't know what the heck we were doing.

'Baywatch' sucks so bad. I didn't watch it the first time around; I'm sure not going to buy a DVD. But really, you just kind of find out the categories of what's most foolish about these people. With Hasselhoff, it's obviously the huge man-tits with chest hair, probably a lot about his crappy acting, obviously the hamburger video - that's huge.

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