Being a woman is hard work.

Being a woman is really crap.

I am too pure for you or anyone.

I like being a woman, not a girl.

What does it mean, being a woman?

Being a woman anywhere is dangerous.

So much of being a woman is telling lies

One should not be adventurous being a woman.

I love being a woman and I love being feminine.

I like being a woman and having a womanly body.

Latin women enjoy being women more than other women.

It feels like being a woman now gives you a slight advantage.

A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.

The essence of femininity is to absolutely love being a woman.

It took me ages to grow into being a woman, into being happy with it.

I don't think of myself as being a woman and having anything to prove.

Most of my friends are women - I quite fancied being a woman in a way.

Don't get consumed by the false idea that being a woman is a disadvantage.

Being a woman is interesting, but it shouldn’t stop you from being a person.

The best thing about being a woman, is the prerogative to have a little fun!

If I had been more self-conscious about being a woman, it would have stifled me.

I love every aspect of being a woman. I believe you should celebrate who you are.

It is in great part the anxiety of being a woman that devastates the feminine body.

Don't be ashamed of being a woman and don't be ashamed to be an accomplished woman.

Thanks to President Obama, being a woman will no longer be a pre-existing condition!

I was always more interested in being a woman first and an advertising person second.

It's important to have the diversity of thought and approach that comes with being a woman.

I really like being a woman. ... I like it more now because I think it's more of a privilege.

We Wanted to be Achievers, But Being an Achievers didn't Mean That You Stopped Being a Woman.

The biggest battle that I have is being a woman in the world. That takes center stage for me.

Being sexy is just one part of being a woman and an actress. But if the part calls for sexy...

Being a woman in music and having kids, it's very hard to do both without neglecting one a bit.

The truly unsettling thing about being a woman was needing a man to realise one's full potential

A feminist is someone who loathes being a woman and who dislikes the chief feminine characteristics.

Being a woman in music was fine, but when I wanted to direct, I was poking my head into a man's world.

I think we're socialized out of being women, and then we have to find our way back to it. That's hard to do.

Being powerful is a lot like being a woman: If you have to tell someone that you are, invariably, you are not.

When you find Fortune favorable, stride boldly forward, for she favors the bold, and being a woman, the young.

one of the good things about being a woman is that my level of testosterone poisoning is lower than most men's.

When she stopped conforming to the conventional picture of femininity she finally began to enjoy being a woman.

In my career I have never felt that my being a woman was an obstacle or an advantage. I guess I've been oblivious.

Beauty is not a size. You can be a size 2 and be curvy or you can be a size 24 and be curvy Curvy is being a woman.

It goes far towards reconciling me to being a woman, when I reflect that I am thus in no danger of ever marrying one.

If being a woman is a factor politically, it's usually not because of a conscious bias, but because women are a novelty.

You're either a really good hooker or a really good mom. That kind of conflicted nature is very much a part of being a woman.

I love being a woman. I love the sexiness we get to exude. But the best thing about being a woman is the power we have over men.

South Pacific - I really learned a lot. I swear I like to say that during South Pacific, I went from being a girl to being a woman.

I also like the whole idea of fairy tales and folk tales being a woman's domain, considered a lesser domain at the time they were told.

It's one of the advantages of being a woman. I get to do all sorts of unfair things, and you have to accept them because you're too polite not to. --Polgara

All the things that are taboo are the things that are not normal, and all the things that are not normal are the things that are exclusively about physically being a woman.

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