I want to love life.

I have a hyper personality.

I am hoping for a long career.

Call me crazy - I love elk meat!

It's insecure, and it's immature.

I'm Latin - we start young, honey!

I never really watched the TV series.

I like to look strong and commanding.

I love wearing men's clothing and underwear.

Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.

It's ok to say, 'this is what I want' and go after it.

Physical roles give me a chance to learn something new.

A child speaks more sense than an adult half of the time.

I love skin. I don't believe the body is something to hide.

When I act, a part of me goes into the character I am playing.

I love aging. Why would I want to be 21 for the rest of my life?

Science fiction is a genre that no everyone is keen on watching.

You find a way to work with people you have more in common with.

I want to have more sex, travel more, drink more wine and love life.

I am fluent in Spanish and I understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

I get along very well with animals and children. I dig them, I get them.

I had to quit ballet because it felt like a part of me was dying inside.

You have to be very committed and find happiness in the work that you do.

Every character has their reasons - even the characters who do dumb things.

I love women. I worship women. Don’t want to be any other woman but myself.

The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome is being a woman in a man's world.

I'm learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.

Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.

I just want to be part of great stories that are told and for them to be relevant.

It gets pretty boring when all you are is the support system for a male character.

Let's start creating better roles that accurately depict people we know so closely.

Our brains are very animal but also very strange and egotistical. We're narcissistic.

I want to be in the small percentage of women who don't settle for conventional roles.

I think there are roles there; we just have to choose them. We have to fight for them.

I find it really frustrating when people go, "I want to be famous and glamorous like you."

The biggest battle that I have is being a woman in the world. That takes center stage for me.

I love the anxiety, the pressure of the loud room full of yapping kids. But I'm a kid myself.

I don't like things like little sandals that look fragile. I like to look strong and commanding.

Trust me: Studios, investors, filmmakers, they will shift because they just follow the money trail.

It takes a lot of courage to face up to things you can't do because we feed ourselves so much denial.

Music is a very big participant in everything I do, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.

I'm more of a guy's girl. I like having a beer in a bar, and I don't bicker or sit down and do my nails.

I don't believe actors who say they don't bleed into their characters. It's absolutely impossible not to.

To be seen and to be respected for my work and acknowledged as a true American Latina... means a lot to me.

I'm a kid from New York, so urban life reflected into art and music was around me and accessible and tangible.

I'm a very feminine person, but I have this hard shell, man, and I stay focused and don't take things personally.

I'm a girl from Queens. I've never gone, 'What am I doing today? Oh, I'm gonna grab a gun and learn how to use it.'

In dance you use every party of your body except your voice. I wanted to start acting because I wanted to use my voice.

Fathers, sons, brothers, men everywhere: Your legacy will not perish if you take your partner's surname, or she keeps hers.

I think as an American society, when we're paying too many taxes or dealing with war, we don't want to see sad things at the movies.

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