I am the best. There is nobody better than me.

Coaches often sting me to get the best of me. I am used to it.

Try finding a better villain than me. I am the best of the worst!

I follow Ronda. I am big fan of her. She is simply the best for me.

I am an emotional person, and soccer is sheer emotion. For me, it is the best way to unwind.

It was rough growing up but it was best for me, it's what made Shannon Briggs, it's who I am.

Since I am an actress and not a social activist, cinema is the best medium for me to state my views.

There's nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do.

That's pretty much who I am. I like to get riled up. I feel like it brings the best out of me and the other guys.

I have two Portuguese league titles behind me, and although the Spanish league is different I am going to do my best.

I am so lucky to have the job that I have. I can never lose sight of the fact that people are counting on me to do my best.

I am ketchup conscious, so I do carry ketchup around with me. The best one is the Heinz Organic Ketchup Opens a New Window.

I think I'm very sexy because I am me. I am the best me. I am not trying to be somebody else, so when you are you, you are sexy.

For some reason, people think I am this terrible person and it really hurts me to hear that. I am just doing the best I know how to.

I am not a bloody ghoda running a race that you give me a tag. I am competitive, and the reason for that is that I want to do the best films.

Traditional Conservative voters like me should lend their support to the Liberal Democrats but I think I am best placed to run as an independent.

I want them to listen to me for what I am saying. And I think the best way to do that is to sniff my armpits, and like, sit and burp every now and then.

I am very focused on making 2017 the best year ever for my fans, and Hydroxycut will play a big part in giving me a boost from my first show to the very last.

I am definitely very excited to continue, and even though I will be turning 32 next year, I feel I am playing my best tennis, and I definitely feel my best results are still ahead of me.

I am pushed by my critics. I don't want to say I want to prove them wrong, but it pushes me on the field to play with a chip on my shoulder, and I play best when I have a chip on my shoulder.

The Vince McMahon tell me I am the best Middle Eastern wrestler ever. He tell me I need new name to show how strong I am like the iron. He want me to become like the Shah. He call me the Sheik.

The backing I have received form the PCB is second to none. They have allowed me to do what I want to do for the best. I really think that we are on the right track. I am loving this Pakistan job.

It's a lot for me, as well, to feel like I'm at my best, because if I am playing multiple positions, I can't develop. I personally feel like I don't ever achieve what I want to achieve being thrown around.

I'm going to do the best job I can for the company that hired me and give the fans the best show they can and try to keep a strong continuity in the presentation. What other people do, I am not concerned or whatsoever.

The best thing about me is that I am generally very honest - not hurtfully honest, but honest. The worst thing about me is that everybody can make me feel guilty. I feel responsible about things that don't even concern me.

What I want to say is that nobody is unbeatable. There's a kid out there who probably wants to beat me. I train hard and try to be the best that I can be, but I don't disrespect my opponents. I am not disillusioned, either.

I am really fortunate to have parents who supported my plan to become an actress when I was a little kid. And then there was my grandma. She was the best. She was always there and ready to drive me to all my plays and stuff.

Since I am an avid singer and a lot of my fans want to hear me sing, I thought it will be really nice to sing my songs online so that more people could watch me, and I thought digital is the best way to connect with everyone.

For the Broncos, they're kind of in a rebuilding stage with a lot of young guys and here I am, 10 years in the league, ready to be a free agent. I think it was best for the Broncos to trade me for the draft picks and try to build.

I am a professional footballer, and it's a game where the coach decides where you can be most beneficial for the team. As long as I am attacking, I am happy! I know what Jose Mourinho decides will be best for me personally and for the team.

I don't try to hide who I am when I appear in public places, act, or attend interviews. If I do, it makes the gap even wider. I like it best when someone says I'm the same on television, on camera, or off camera. This makes it easier for me.

My best has to be for Barcelona against Villarreal in 2006 - that is the one I am asked most about, and it is the one I am most proud of. Xavi chipped the ball to me, I chested it down, twisted and hit an overhead kick. It was the final goal in a 4-0 win.

I am fortunate that I have two older brothers, and they have definitely helped me with being competitive just to keep up with them. We were always encouraged to try what we wanted to do. As long as we tried our hardest and did the best we could, it didn't matter what we did.

The string of disqualification cases were filed against me when I was still contemplating a run for the presidency by people whose motives were suspect at best. Powerful groups with personal agenda are behind these cases. But I am not afraid. Not when the people are behind me.

Over the years, I have really figured out what works for me. It's not about what anyone else is doing. I can't worry about whether I am doing everything that another player is doing, which can be hard sometimes. I have to trust my training and know my body and figure out what will get the best out of me.

Just as I am working hard to adjust to a new level, someone comes along and asks me to move up again. I'm not complaining about it; I just get on with trying to make sure I don't let anyone down. Training with England is just a different gravy again. Movement-wise, finishing-wise, you can learn such a lot from watching the very best in action.

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