One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.

I always want to do my very best, and it's frustrating to have something hold me back.

When someone asks me to list the 10 best novels ever written, I always refuse to answer.

She's always there for me when I need her; She's my best friend; she's just my everything.

The focus to me was always just being the best that we can be. Just being trendsetters and only focusing on us.

For me, the best times are always going to be the most intense, the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows.

I have never seen a player as driven and determined as me, quietly determined; that's why I always want to do the best.

I always try and do my best and put out the best and find the best in me, as well. But I'm not thinking about it beforehand.

I have always been guided by striving to show the best that I could. That is what kept me going in tennis and it is the same now.

As a competitor, you always want to go against the best, so whoever guards me, I'm hoping it's the best defender from the other team.

Friends always ask me what the best Indian restaurant in L.A. is. I'm like, 'I don't know, dude. I have an app on my iPhone for that.'

The punk era, at its best, celebrated questioning the norm and the promotion of originality. Both concepts have always resonated with me.

For me, I always had producers come to me with films, even if it was not like the Khans, but whatever I have got I have tried to give my best to it.

I've always loved the Belmont Shore area because I've always thought it had a kind of European vibe to it. This to me is the best area in Southern California.

I've always been a pretty candid person. I'm not a very secretive person; I'm not a very discreet person. One of my best friends once described me as pathologically indiscreet.

For me, the keyboard is always an additional sound to the piano. Piano is the main instrument; I can't go anywhere without acoustic piano. It's been my best friend since I was 6 years old.

Guardiola improved me a lot as a footballer. He taught me a lot of things, and that's why, in every interview I'm asked, I always say the same thing: He is the best manager that I have worked with.

It was just me and my mum growing up, and my mum's always said that's why I'm so mature. We were best friends, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even have started athletics, because she wanted me to have a hobby.

My mother always wanted me to be in the best environment that I could be in. She wanted me to go to the best schools. Every now and again she'd save up enough for us to get a nice apartment in downtown Chicago, but we were never able to sustain it.

The Western is as American as a film can get - there's the discovery of a frontier, the element of a showdown, revenge, and determining the best gunman. There's a certain masculinity to the Western that really appealed to me, and I've always wanted to do a Western in Hollywood.

There's always going to be a lot of distractions in the NFL - that's just how it is; it's on the biggest stage - but really focusing on what I have to do now to help my team win, help me be at my best physically when I'm out there on the field and mentally, because that will ultimately help my team no matter what role I'm playing.

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