Every game you play, you do your best.

I want to become one of the best players, so if you want to be one the best, you have to elevate all aspects of your game.

The hardest thing about kicking a kick at the end of the game or end of the half is not letting your excitement get the best of you.

It's hard to do, but you've got to be able to get your team going and prepare each week and go out and play your best and hopefully it shows in the game.

To all the younglings I come across in 'Game of Thrones' who suddenly find themselves well known, I say the theatre is your best friend - they will remember you.

When you think you're showing effort, and your body language is showing that, then you're really playing your best, and then nobody will be able to talk bad about your game.

People are gonna like who they like, there's nothing you can do about it. Just go out there, do what you do best, play your game and try to become a better person on and off the court.

That's the remarkable thing about baseball. The game has a way of having you scratch your head one minute and drive you crazy, and then the next, you're entertained beyond your wildest hopes. That's why it's the best game.

When you're facing a different guy every at-bat, he's coming at you with his best stuff. There's no warm-up; there's no 'see a pitch.' You've got to be locked in from the very first pitch... The biggest thing is do your homework before the game starts.

Every team deals with obstacles throughout the course of the season, and it's as a unit that they need to be worked through. Injuries are part of the game, just like facing tough teams on the road or having one of your best players get into foul trouble.

You know, I think when I reflect on it, I think there's certainly a sense of history. When you have ambitions to play this game, you want to be one of the best ever, and you want to play so well and be so effective that you want people to remember your name 100 years from now.

I have stopped having goals. If you have many goals, and you don't reach your goals, it is very upsetting, so I just think of keeping it simple, working hard and going and playing the game. But I know there are going to be very important series for Indian cricket. I will just try my best to be in my fittest form.

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