I can't stand to lose.

You work all year to win.

It all goes through the quarterback.

I want to be a starter in this league.

The draft's crazy. Everybody knows that.

I work really hard. I'm a perfectionist.

We want the ball, and we’re going to score

I feel like I've always had a quick release.

When I get on the field, I feel unstoppable.

You always want to end the year on a high note.

I think I'm a big motivator on the field. I try to be.

Reality is, you have to work harder the older you get.

I'm a country guy from Mississippi who keeps it simple.

Pressure is what you make of it. It makes me play harder.

I think you need to be aggressive. That's offensive football.

It's not every day that you get to meet a guy that's in the NFL.

I'd rather people just call me by my name, Andy, than 'Red Rifle.'

Yoga is the best tool to help you change your mind about your body

It was the family tradition. I wanted to live up to the name-McNair.

With the physical mindset I play the game with, I expect to get hurt.

The tide has changed. You have to be able to improvise in today's NFL.

As far as escaping and making plays, I have a lot of faith in our line.

After a great game or a great practice, man, I feel on top of the world.

I'm not worried about any added pressure. I'm just worried about winning.

It's hard to be a leader right away, but playing quarterback, you have to.

You want to be on the offense and make the defense react. I feel like that.

The number of starting quarterbacks in the NFL from Texas speaks for itself.

It's a quarterback-driven league, so quarterbacks get rewarded a lot of money.

I have to be honest with myself, and make sure I am doing things the right way.

If you've grown up in a church, college is a time you may branch away from that.

You prepare each week to win, and for it to finally pay off, it is a big relief.

I've been Offensive Player of the Week. I've been Offensive Player of the Month.

It was the first car accident I had ever been in. It shakes you up a little bit.

Arm strength, I think, is a thing that's, like, incredibly overrated in the NFL.

I take it that reasonable human conduct is part of the ordinary course of things.

Working with Balanced Body has been amazing. It's become a big part of my routine.

I feel like I've got a routine with how I study the opponent and go about each week.

Whatever you do during the regular season doesn't matter once you get to the playoffs.

With my name, there's been a lot of negativity around it. I'll be real. I understand it.

Anytime you get to play a team twice, you have a feel for what they do and how they play.

The welfare of a child is not to be measured by money only, nor by physical comfort only.

I actually enjoy the pain. That's what gives me the fire inside to get up and keep going.

I'm going to go out and try to be the best player I can be and help the Chicago Bears win.

At the end of the day, you just want to be yourself because people can see when you're not.

Pushing guys to be the best, that's part of the role I've always taken being a quarterback.

I think I've always had the abilities, but the object has been to perform as well as I can.

Everybody sees the Bills fans and how crazy they can be. But they use that craziness for good.

That's who we are. That's partly why we've been successful. Spread it around and run our stuff.

Not everything is going to go exactly as you plan. It's what you do when everything breaks down.

When you need to make a play, you've got to have that mentality that you're going to get it done.

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