Forty is better than 30. I have a better understanding of who I am, what makes me tick, what's okay and not okay.

Whether you voted for me or not, going through the Democratic process had made me a better candidate. I am a smarter, better candidate.

I am a passionate, committed composer, and the guy I used to write musicals with, once he was able to ditch me and get a better composer, actually won the Tony.

I am the clotheshorse out on the course and the better I play the more people watch me out on the course and the more the clothes get exposure in front of the TV cameras.

We didn't get along, me and Bill Murray. But I've got to give it to him: I don't like him, but he makes me laugh even now. I'm also jealous that he's a better golfer than I am.

I started to realise I am not as strong as others, and I can't muscle someone off the ball who is twice the size of me. So I have altered my game, playing on the half-turn, for example, and it's made me a much better player.

It's important for me to create a brand because branding allows me to create a lifestyle that goes beyond track & field. It also lets my fans and followers get a better picture of who I am as a person, my interests and my passions.

I think I'm better at playing difficult than I am at being normal. And to me that's something I'm working on now. I'm not really that difficult or complex a person, so it's interesting to me that it's just so much harder for me to play an everygirl.

I still feel there are much smarter self-promoters out there than me. I am very methodical about my messaging, and I know how to gain attention very quickly. David Blaine is an example of someone who's better at self-promoting than me. He is much better than I am.

People didn't like me; I was loud and aggressive. People can take it from a 42-year-old, but when you're a little kid, and people are like, 'You're loud and awful,' you think, 'I guess I am awful,' so writing and figuring out how to put things into words was the way I felt better.

I know what I am getting into with heavyweights. Not one of them can dictate against me because, firstly, they don't have feet fast enough. Secondly, while there are far better athletes and stronger fighters than me, even some who are quicker, they don't have the ring IQ I have. It allows me to dictate.

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