The black community is broken up in general.

We need the cops, especially in the black community.

Open borders drive wages down for the black community.

I still enjoy a lot of support from the black community.

The black community is under attack in so many different ways.

Within the black community, I'm definitely a neighborhood celebrity.

High blood pressure is a major health crisis in the black community.

The black community has fallen into this horribly dysfunctional equilibrium.

Anger in the black community towards Republicans is established and immutable.

I've gotten nothing but warmth from the Black community and positive feedback.

AIDS is a very, very, very vicious disease, particularly in the black community.

In the black community, Trump's history of racial discrimination is deeply embedded.

There are many positive things to say about the black community. No question about it.

I think the black community has a lot to work on internally with what they deem successful.

One of the prices that we pay for integration was the disintegration of the black community.

I believe in limited government. I know what the welfare state has done to the black community.

We should not have drug laws or a court system that disproportionately punishes the black community.

Atheistic evolution isn't an intelligent belief, as atheists would have the black community believe.

The black community has been the foundation of the progressive community in this country for a long time.

In fact, the class divide in the black community is now seen by some as a permanent aspect of our existence.

Democrats don't understand what is wrong in the black community or how to fix it. If they do, they don't care.

A lot of times, especially in the black community, where therapy is talked about, it's like, 'Just go to church.'

That's how we do it in the black community; we give back to the people who made us who we are. We never forget that.

Ninety-nine percent of the music that was of any interest to me when I was growing up came out of the black community.

The effect of reparations would be among the most devastating the country and the black community have ever experienced.

Genetically, I'm pure Greek. Psychologically, environmentally, culturally, by choice, I'm a member of the black community.

In my opinion, Spike Lee is a national cultural treasure - to the black community in particular but to America in general.

The black community has always been a fan of horror films, but in terms of the participants, they've been few and far between.

The black community in Hollywood is very small and close-knit. Everyone has a common goal: to make a two-hour movie in 30 days.

I go to Uganda, I can't speak the language. In India, I'm black. In the black community, I'm dark-skinned. In America, I'm British.

The black community is my community - the LGBT community, too, and the female community. That is my community. That's me; it's who I am.

We're all complaining about diversity in Hollywood, but we've got to address the colorism within the black community of Hollywood first.

Real men are almost nowhere to be found in the black community; fatherlessness is the norm, and godlessness has taken over black churches.

Republicans think that the NAACP is the only voice in the black community. It is a voice in the black community. But it's not the only voice.

I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money.

The crime and violence in the black community is a prime example of the damaging effect of broken families and single female-headed households.

First thing is first and let me be clear: I stand with the Black community. Black Lives Matter. There is no room in this world for racism. Period.

We were raised in the black community not to trust the police, and I believe, in the white community, they were raised to actually be a policeman.

Americans have their issues with skin colour, even within the black community, with light and dark skin; it's crazy - but no one's oblivious to it.

Everybody in the black community must organize, and then we decide whether we will have alliance with other people or not, but not until we are organized.

In the days of segregation, when blacks were limited to certain neighborhoods, you could look around the black community and identify who the leaders were.

Too often, the very institutions that are supposed to protect and serve our community have instead failed people of color, specifically our black community.

How did we suddenly become entranced with gangster culture? I saw it this morning on campus. When did the black community say we should all look like criminals?

I find it really unique that the black community, who has been oppressed and is still oppressed, can find a way to oppress themselves, and ourselves, within it.

The black community sees itself as one group, and they are all experiencing the same experiences as a group with racism and whatnot, growing up in this country.

It was tough: I had to kiss a man, and I got a mixed reaction from the black community. But I have to be ready to play any role, or I can't call myself an actor.

The first time that I was elected I was called the Judas Iscariot of the black community because I took a stand that was inconsistent of cutting across the grain.

If we could buy these properties and then invest in the Black community, with our own McDonald's, with our own Kentucky Fried Chickens, it was gonna be a great move.

The Clintons represent three decades of the Democrat party being completely sure of getting the black vote, while doing nothing to help the black community in return.

When the world's moving towards being the most inclusive it's ever been, it's unthinkable that certain basic aspects of life are still so unfair for the black community.

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