I like boring things.

I never read, I just look at pictures.

I don't read such boring things. Life is too short.

I think one of the most boring things is a person's taste.

There are an infinite number of boring things to do in science.

I can focus on what seems to be the most boring things for days at a time.

It is better to predict dramatic things that don't happen than boring things that do.

I don't want to be about the way I look - my body, my hair, my makeup, all those boring things.

It's the boring things that mean a lot to me. I enjoy taking my sisters to eat. Or sitting watching TV with my family.

Play difficult and interesting things. If you play boring things, you risk losing your appetite. Saxophone can be tedious with too much of the same.

I like reading, I like boring things, and yet I think people for ages had this image of me that I was on the tube with a chainsaw looking for any likely candidate.

Teenagers are in some ways the best readers because their imaginations haven't been narrowed down by boring things like jobs and the realities of money and capitalism.

I was very much in my room with my marionette stage, you know, creating these incredibly boring things that I felt were so fascinating, and forcing my relatives to come, and charging money for them to see my little productions.

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