If you can't turn yourself into your customer, you probably shouldn't be in the ad writing business at all.

If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business.

Learn to bet on yourself and have confidence in your own decisions. No one knows your business better than you.

To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.

When you're by yourself and not with WWE, you are your own business. And I was very successful in that business because of all the lessons I learned.

I think that if you can achieve a balance, then you appease a lot of yourself and your career and what it takes to maintain in this business for a while.

Never get involved with a business that you can't really be hands-on - that if your employees quit, you can't run yourself. If I can't cut hair, why open a barbershop?

It's about how you handle yourself, how you take care of your business, how you present yourself in front of the team, how you hold other people accountable. And ultimately, performing.

Show business is like a bumpy bus ride. Sometimes you find yourself temporarily juggled out of your seat and holding onto a strap. But the main idea is to hang in there and not be shoved out the door.

Kids really take you out of yourself, and your priorities become really clear. With acting and the business, you don't really have priorities. You have no idea what each day or week's going to be like.

Don't be afraid to convince yourself that your business is incredible, but don't expect others to be convinced without solid data to back it up. Ideas can be a worth a lot, but they are usually not. Execution is everything.

One thing I never thought about in my big-company job? Cash flow. When your business has billions of dollars in revenue, you can make a lot of mistakes and still have a viable business. But in a startup, make a few hiring mistakes, and you can find yourself in real jeopardy fast.

Individuality is a personal thing. It's based on your own personal feelings and expression of self. So, really, it's nobody's business to judge you but yourself. And if you feel that you're expressing yourself as an individual, and you feel confident in it, then that really should be all that matters.

There are lots of lessons to learn from Amazon. Never stop innovating or questioning the fundamentals of your business. Disrupt yourself before others do. Continually motivate employees so that they never get too complacent - see Yahoo, AOL and many other Internet companies for evidence of what happens when they do.

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