Ideas are fatal to caste.

We have to eradicate caste.

There is no caste in blood.

The West remains obsessed by the caste system.

We are against politics of religion and caste.

A criminal has no caste and is only a criminal.

Education is the key to abolishing caste system.

Politicians are dividing us based on caste lines.

Leaders are judged on merit and not on caste or family names.

We should judge by talent and work not by community or caste.

Caste coalitions will disintegrate in front of good governance.

I don't go by my caste, creed or religion. My works speak for me.

Caste hasn't been a part of creative thoughts and it never will be.

We can't deny the existence of caste in India. We have to live with it.

If everyone simply ignores the caste system, it will go away overnight.

The cyclical rebirth of caste in America is a recurring racial nightmare.

I am neither a child, a young man, nor an ancient; nor am I of any caste.

Caste has divided us. I wish it should be completely abolished from our society.

This country has moved away from the politics of caste, nepotism, and appeasement.

Some people in India want to increase corruption and dishonesty in the name of caste.

The caste systems of sex and race are interdependent and can only be uprooted together.

I have never, ever in my life practised politics on the basis of caste, sect, or religion.

The lower caste people were killed as part of a conspiracy to dismiss my party's government.

It is not only in Meerut but entire U.P. where caste equation has phenomenal influence on politics.

One may fall in love anytime and with anyone. One does not decide that based on caste, religion or gender.

People should not be voting based on caste, religion, money, or liquor but real issues that affect their lives.

Spiritual government means a pure government that doesn't discriminate on the lines of caste, creed, or religion.

If education does not create a need for the best in life, then we are stuck in an undemocratic, rigid caste society.

I cannot believe there is caste system in society; I cannot believe people are judged on the basis of their prosperity.

The government is opposed to all statements/speeches which divide the country on the basis of religion, caste, and creed.

Contrary to general expectations, caste, regionalism, criminalisation, and parochial interests continue to sway the nation.

BJP's ideology doesn't permit discrimination on the basis of caste, sect, or religion. Everyone born in India is equal for us.

Today, we seem to be striving towards injustice, applauding it as though it's a worthy dream, made sacred by the caste system.

Terrorism should be seen in the light of the country's security and not from the narrow perspective of caste, creed and religion.

I have said it previously and saying it again... my government will work for betterment of all, irrespective of caste or religion.

To say 'radical feminist' is only a way of indicating that I believe the sexual caste system is a root of race and class and other divisions.

Appeal for votes should not be made on basis of caste, creed, or communal. In a healthy democracy, this is not expected from any political leader.

I was an Indian with zero sense of caste till I was 20. That's an unusual privilege but it came out of the fact that I was a middle-class Bengali.

People cutting across caste and communal lines like me. I go to north Karnataka, where people from all communities come to my meetings and rallies.

Class - or the economic status of individuals - is evident in all societies, some very well stratified by a rigid caste system determined by birth.

I am from a very vague caste. I don't belong to any of the four. I am kayastha. They are well read, largely clerks so they get treated respectfully.

Loyalism, or Unionism, or Protestantism, or whatever you want to call it, in Northern Ireland - it operates not as a class system, but a caste system.

The Congress is dividing the country on the lines of caste and regions. We need a stable government to put the country and its economy back on the rails.

But in view of the constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is no caste here.

As described in 'The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,' the cyclical rebirth of caste in America is a recurring racial nightmare.

Ignoring all prejudices of caste, creed, class, color, sex, or race, a swami follows the precepts of human brotherhood. His goal is absolute unity with Spirit.

'Article 15' prohibits any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, or religion. My film is about the discrimination we practice on various levels.

One should not encourage division on the basis of religion, region, caste, or creed if one wants India to truly rise as one of the greatest nations of the world.

I strongly believe that love as an emotion is sufficient for a girl and a boy to be together, and these societal norms like caste, creed or religion are all man-made.

The picture of the free market is necessarily one of harmony and mutual benefit; the picture of State intervention is one of caste conflict, coercion, and exploitation.

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