When I have a chance to go back to my village, I always remind myself where I came from.

I've always enjoyed dancing, and I train myself in it. I try to hone my skills whenever I get the chance.

I never took things for granted. I always told myself to keep working hard, come to the ballpark ready to play, and one day I'll get a chance to play.

I have always enjoyed keeping. I used to keep earlier for my state and later didn't have much chance to keep. But I keep myself ready if ever anyone wants me to keep.

I've always just kind of prided myself on just taking the ball and just trying to give your team a chance to win, and I really don't try to make it any more complicated than that.

I didn't mind staying home from school and medicating myself with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce. Being sick always gave me another chance to break an old-fashioned mercury thermometer, too.

I don't even know how to speak up for myself, because I don't really have a father who would give me the confidence or advice. And if you're always the new kid, you never get a chance to adapt, so your confidence is just zilch.

I tend to pick objectives that I feel are safe because I know that, in the moment, I always go for it. I have some rules for myself, though: Look for the rock faces without a lot of loose rock. Always rope up on glaciers where there is even a slight chance of falling into a crevasse. No pure free soloing. Never climb below hanging glaciers.

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