I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side.

Your body begins to change when it burns and shakes... so when an exercise is challenging, I always think 'feel your body changing.'

You can always change your branding or hire lawyers, but it's critical that you figure out if you have product market fit, and if you don't, figure out how to course-correct without getting stuck.

My main aim is to change our perception of how we look at vegetables because I think vegetables have always been put on the side - it's always been your steamed broccoli or boiled broccoli with your meat.

The second season is always easier than the first one. When you change, it's always more difficult. You have to adapt to the way your team plays; you have to adapt to your team-mates, to the league, to the referees.

We are in a position where we always have to change more players than we really want to and that brings a lot of instability and makes your job so much harder than it should be, because players come and go almost at the drop of the hat.

I have always loved fashion because it's a great way to express your mood. And I'm definitely a shoe lover. The right pair of shoes can change the feel of an outfit, and even change how a woman feels about herself. A woman can wear confidence on her feet with a high stiletto, or slip into weekend comfort with a soft ballet flat.

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