You know, whatever people say, nothing's going to change it - what I think, what I'm capable of.

India needs a change - it cannot be ruled by 80-year-olds and by people who have done nothing for it.

Nothing binds a people to their leader like a common enemy. Voters don't change governments during war.

If we accept the rule of those who think they are the bosses and lords of Mexico, nothing will change for the people on the bottom.

Racist people are few, in the minority. But you can do nothing to change them. You can talk, you can do what you want, but you can't do anything because they are just stupid people.

You can't move so fast that you try to change the mores faster than people can accept it. That doesn't mean you do nothing, but it means that you do the things that need to be done according to priority.

Ministers are powerless people who have nothing to boast of except their weaknesses. But when the Lord whom they serve fills them with His blessing they will move mountains and change the hearts of people wherever they go.

For a lot of people, becoming an author is a change in occupation... they are coming from something that totally has nothing to do with this. If they are expecting to come into a room full of people praising them, then they are in the wrong place.

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