Fashion definitely has the power to change the world.

Every single person has the power to change the world and help people.

You may not realize this, but people have the power to change the world.

We are a global power, active and responsible on the world stage. This will never change.

The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.

Each one of us has the power to be the change we want to see in the world, making the world a better place.

Even if you've been involved in a World Cup, the Olympics is huge. Only the Games has the power to change communities.

Kids really have a lot more power than they think they have. They have the power to change the world. And they should know it.

Anything that we do to make ourselves feel worthy and safe is a flight from the pain of powerlessness. Every pursuit of external power - every attempt to change the world or a person in order to make yourself feel valuable and safe - is a distraction from the pain of powerlessness.

Of course, there is no question that Libya - and the world - will be better off with Gaddafi out of power. I, along with many other world leaders, have embraced that goal, and will actively pursue it through non-military means. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.

People have long assumed that violence is necessary for political change. Rulers never cede power voluntarily, the argument goes, so progressives have no choice but to contemplate the use of force to bring about a better world, mindful of the trade-off between a small amount of violence now and acceptance of an unjust status quo indefinitely.

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