If I can't change the world, at least I want to change the way people look at it.

If we don't change this world and look inside our differences inside of us, we gonna bring this world back to a hard point.

I knew I was ambitious; I knew I was passionate and that I wanted to change the world in some shape or form, but I had no idea what that might look like.

Once you start to look into the guts of climate change you find that just about every scientific institution in the world is conducting research on the issue.

If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this... it would be absolute lunacy to act as if climate change is not occurring.

A lot of young people don't think they can make a difference. That's really what I am at Dartmouth to do. I'm there to tell the young people, 'Look, a few committed souls can change the world.'

You look at something like Russia, or you look at something like China, where you actually allow free markets to go in. And you haven't seen the change that we, in the western world, would probably like. You still have a bit of a dictatorship - some people would say more than a bit of a dictatorship - in Russia and in China.

Look at the world of both film and indie games, and you'll find a startling similarity between the two when it comes to creating the perfect horror story. The tricks storytellers pull to make your blood run cold never change; a creaking floorboard, the eerie feeling of being watched, wandering into a world filled with unspeakable terror.

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