Ideally, you will never know that you're seeing a computer-generated car.

We're having the first computer-generated comic strip in the United States.

I have a respect for the 3-D computer-generated action movies, but my first love is stuff like 'Lethal Weapon.'

There's a lot of music that sounds like it's literally computer-generated, totally divorced from a guy sitting down at an instrument.

Alfred Hitchcock had to find ways to create tension without showing it, but now with computer-generated effects you can show anything.

We have grown up in an age where there is nothing that cannot now, courtesy of computer-generated imagery, be convincingly rendered in the visual field.

Computer-generated monsters - people shoot them all day with videogames, you know, so kids aren't going to be afraid of that. People are getting immune to scares.

He kind of makes me ill, David Cameron. I liked the old-fashioned Tory - like Winston Churchill, who had style. But Cameron's like a new breed - computer-generated. I hate it.

The thing with computer-generated imagery is that it's an incredibly powerful tool for making better visual effects. But I believe in an absolute difference between animation and photography.

I've done some effects shots. I've done some compositing. And in 'Just Like Heaven' did a lot of, like, motion control and things like that. But never done, like, computer-generated imagery in action.

Are we blasphemous in saying that 2-D is largely a thing of the past, and computer-generated animation is the present and future? It's all about creating a better experience for the viewer - and that includes 3-D.

People find it hard to get their heads around nominating a computer-generated character, but every time you see Gollum on the screen, that's me who is acting up there - even if it is behind a mass of pixels - and it's my voice you hear.

I remember when I first came around, the computer-generated stuff was pretty wicked. I was like, 'Wow!' but I feel like then for the longest time, we saw so much of it, after a while, you might as well just be watching an animated movie.

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