The cruelest lies are often told in silence.

The cruelest thing a man can do to a woman is to portray her as perfection.

Religious conflict can be the bloodiest and cruelest conflicts that turn people into fanatics.

What is the cruelest thing you can do to someone who is trying to concentrate? Call their name.

Malicious lying is usually a matter of need, but often the cruelest things we say are the truth.

Perhaps the cruelest thing ever said of Hubert Humphrey was that he had the soul of a vice president.

One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do.

Political leaders are not and cannot reasonably be expected to be indifferent to the cruelest calumnies aimed at their character.

One of the cruelest judgments sustained against me is that I have spoken out as a recovered alcoholic to stimulate my acting career.

We all have a right to know, and if the government has been suppressing information about other life forms, that's the cruelest hoax of all.

Lying about anything is the cruelest thing in the world you could ever do. Be who you are. Don't try to be someone you're not. It never works.

Two of the cruelest, most primitive punishments our town deals out to those who fall from favor are the empty mailbox and the silent telephone.

Honesty is the cruelest game of all, because not only can you hurt someone - and hurt them to the bone - you can feel self-righteous about it at the same time.

February was always the cruelest month for Hunter S. Thompson. An avid NFL fan, Hunter traditionally embraced the Super Bowl in January as the high-water mark of his year.

The Establishment center... has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war is a moral and political disaster - a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation.

Is it really true that religion makes people more kindly, generous, or loving? History tends to disprove this. The worst wars, the most vicious Inquisitions, the cruelest pogroms and persecutions, were both fomented and supported by religion.

Somehow it seems that all parents are certain that they themselves were victims of abuse in school and that they will not allow this to happen to their children. Even though children can also be the cruelest group imaginable - especially the cutest of them.

I remember reading the cruelest, most awful thing about my hair online. A person speculated about who I was as a person and even read into my personal life based solely off my hairstyle. He or she said I must be lazy because I have short hair. It was just devastating.

The great thing about baseball is the causality is easy to determine and it always falls on the shoulders of one person. So there is absolute responsibility. That's why baseball is psychologically the cruelest sport and why it really requires psychological resources to play baseball - because you have to learn to live with failure.

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